Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] and [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years she 's suffered two heart attacks and been treated for cancer and she says she ca n't stand much more of the strain .
2 The hours rolled towards dawn and she sat alone , thinking about all she had learned from Zambia Crevecoeur .
3 Marc 's face was suffused with colour and he took a violent step forward .
4 My index finger was sleeved in frost and I dared not bend it for fear of splitting the skin .
5 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
6 I also tracked down the first lieutenant of the submarine and one of the two soldiers carried on board and they confirmed the killings .
7 My youngest child is being bullied at school and I want to send her to St Saviour 's .
8 It has been particularly effective in providing a secure home base for families that have been physically scattered by emigration and it seems quite possible that small-scale farming of this kind may enjoy a new vogue , with the greater appreciation of self-provisioning , especially for fuel , to say nothing of the scenic beauty of the places where it is carried on .
9 It can be contained by medication and he had been receiving treatment at a hospital in Salford as a voluntary patient just prior to his trip .
10 The term ‘ strategy ’ , as a way of conceptualising management actions , refers to long-term policies pursued by management and it implies , according to one common approach , that management has a choice between alternative possibilities with respect to the best ways of attaining its labour relations objectives — within the constraints set by the external environment .
11 also fielded a side weakened through injury and they went down 22–12 at Ripon in their cup-tie .
12 also fielded a side weakened through injury and they went down 22–12 at Ripon in their cup-tie .
13 His single-breasted suit was made of mohair and he flicked a trace of ash off his trousers with a perfectly manicured hand .
14 He tossed it aside as if it were made of straw and she knew she would be lost if he touched her .
15 Yes some erm some light , electric light fittings are made of plastic and they like bad fish after
16 His face was scarlet and twisted with hate and he began to attack me like a wild animal .
17 On and on they flew until day turned into dusk and they reached the big supermarket on the edge of the town .
18 His disappointment had turned to joy and he leapt in the air , relieved the Bookman had escaped .
19 Cumulus Technology Inc , Palo Alto , California will announce Personal Touch , a full-featured Window manager for the Cumulus Alpha Terminal : it enables users to move , resize or select windows and other on-screen features by point and click or through hot key commands ; OSF/Motif or MS-DOS-style windows can be selected at set-up and it provides start-up dialogues , macro dialogues and exit dialogues to open and close applications ; open applications can be displayed as full-screen , stacked or tiled windows depending upon user requirement , Cumulus says .
20 This last statement should be noticed — he disliked assemblies and places where speeches were made at length and he did not enjoy being a chairman — but he made this single exception , the Convocation of York ; he always gave a presidential address , about which he took much trouble .
21 Deacon accumulated a fortune of over £100,000 , but his health was weakened by overwork and he died of typhoid 23 July 1876 in Widnes .
22 ‘ In fact my girlfriend Claudia and I have talked about marriage and I do n't see why we should n't wed sometime although we have not set a date .
23 Her nightdress was decently covered by a red dressing-gown , but her face was drawn with pain and she swayed dizzily against the door jamb .
24 My thoughts are crowded with death and it draws so oddly on the sexual that I am confused confused to be attracted by , in effect , my own annihilation .
25 But the receiver had already clicked into place and she knew he had n't even heard .
26 Certainly information can be easily conveyed in BSL and it functions to a marked degree as an effective socialisation agent in deaf children whose parents are fluent in the language .
27 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
28 Former South Liverpool and Marine defender John said : ‘ I was in the clip that was shown on TV and it brought back a lot of memories .
29 ‘ It may be age , ’ he says , ‘ but I 'm rather drawn to adversity and I like a good wash-out ; but nothing happens here except a steady loss of money .
30 Remember your moral crime : that you have now lied twice about why I had written to you in the first place ( Letters report , 5 December ) , and you have lied on purpose and you have done so with manifest contempt and disregard for any say or rights that I may have against your sick sense of ‘ editorship ’ .
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