Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which God in all three persons of the trinity has simply been seen as male is well captured by the liturgy of The Alternative Service Book used in Anglican services of confirmation in Britain .
2 Of medium length , broad between the ears ; forehead line seen in profile is moderately arched ; zygomatic arch and stop well developed with strong , broad upper and lower jaws .
3 The discussion of social problems related to science is somewhat limited ; the dominant perspective is that of the company which wishes to protect its interests .
4 And the proposition that the Conservative benches are now occupied by men and women whose ambitions have been forged in industry is greatly exaggerated .
5 The contrast in the relative proportions of labour and capital used in production is clearly reflected in productivity when this is measured in terms of the value added per worker .
6 U_F Unit Failure — the unit being requested by LIFESPAN is currently reported as faulty .
7 The overall structure of the repressor when bound to DNA is little changed from that of the holorepressor ( Fig. 2 a ) , or indeed of the free aporepressor .
8 Our inding that EGF is depleted in oesophagitis is perhaps explained by a report that EGF has a relatively short duration of action ( <24 hours ) , so that continual stimulation by fresh EGF is required to maintain a mitogenic response , depleting stores of EGF in the endothelial cells .
9 I ca n't stand pink , so any jumper knitted in pink is rapidly passed over , so far as I am concerned .
10 The diagram also shows that the part of household income which is not spent on consumption is either saved , spent on imports or is taken in taxes by the government .
11 ‘ The training pamphlet says time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted . ’
12 The military rightly say , ‘ Time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted ’ .
13 The high priority being given to quality is also reflected in plans for additional equipment that will be installed during the July holidays .
14 In practice , information gained by interception is only used for the purpose of assisting police or Security Service investigations , and is not tendered as evidence in court .
15 Any document which is to be served by post is properly served If sent by ordinary prepaid post .
16 The idea that femininity is in the first place to be associated with motherhood is simply writ large .
17 Their conclusion that apparent inconsistencies in this epidemiology might be resolved if the age of diagnosis of breast cancer is taken into account is well taken .
18 Each of the factors to be taken into account is then scored , for the product being examined , in relation to the other products on the list .
19 However in the past the courts have tended to interpret them strictly , perhaps because if the time limit is not complied with liability is wholly excluded .
20 They ignore that what is learned at Highlander is usually tested in real life , and under the eye of unrelenting opponents , not in the classroom under the eye of a tutor . ’
21 The way in which DCs are processed by LIFESPAN is best explained by following the life cycle of states that a software modification passes through , from the time it is proposed until it is approved as a routine quality control activity .
22 To muted applause , a small white flag fringed with red is slowly hoisted in the blustering wind to just below the bright Bolivian tricolour .
23 Prescribed themes can be introduced in any order but whatever is studied in history is constantly related to the time-line ( see Figure 2.5 for one example ) .
24 If governments respond , as they typically do by intervention to control price and wage rises , the inefficiency created by inflation is only compounded .
25 Glycogen is produced from complex carbohydrate , and therefore the energy required for training is ultimately derived from the complex carbohydrates you eat .
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