Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wishart thought back to what he had heard about that fateful night at the banquet .
2 ‘ You 've heard about this Hawaiian jaunt of mine , presumably ? ’
3 Walking is taught through this detailed control of all the different aspects involved in making single steps .
4 Only those ideas which can be traced through many different formulations on depression in the seventy years since Freud 's book was published are touched upon here .
5 I have distinguished between three different versions of the reductivist argument .
6 In the late 1960s there were 15,493 Commonwealth citizens registered for various nursing courses in the UK ( 1 ) .
7 The much-delayed Saarc summit has been provisionally arranged for early next March in Colombo .
8 In advance , using the smokescreen of Tech-Green bureaucracy , he 'd arranged for this fictional shuttle-worker to be placed on a shift which involved taking a shuttle through the gravity well to Gaiah .
9 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
10 In any case , lest anyone think the Royal Society of Chemistry had pandered to Elena Ceauşescu 's vanity , he assured the public that ‘ the fellowship was presented at a ceremony no grander than would have been arranged for any other spouse of a head of state . ’
11 Ratings out of 10 for Cooking ( C ) , Setting ( S ) and Value for money ( V ) ; price given for average two-course meal for two with a bottle of house wine or equivalent .
12 £1 million given for tropical conservation work for Worldwide Fund for Nature , and another £100 million pledged for tropical forests .
13 One predominant reason was given for this low level of concern about professional development amongst arts teachers , although two very distinct responses were given .
14 For groups to function at this level , opportunity has to be given for full social contact between members , and the emphasis has to be placed not on activity , but on group interaction .
15 The report details the targets which the Working Party developed for five main areas of public health concern , and the associated needs for improved information and data sources .
16 Since they involve the same Ernst equation , it is clear that all the solution generating techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times in recent years can also be applied to colliding plane wave situations .
17 The examination leading to the Certificate is accredited as one specific module of the Institute 's new Final Diploma .
18 The chair of the Georgian Supreme Soviet , Akaky Asatiani , announced on Sept. 6 that Georgia had broken off all official relations with the Soviet Union .
19 " But she 's probably fallen for some dashing Italian by now , Matthew added .
20 One hundred and twenty three adults were treated for benign oesophageal strictures over the six years , 1986–92 .
21 For instance , forecasts for the total sales of bread , cakes and other bakery products in the UK can be calculated for any particular segment on the basis of trade and census data on the number of people in different socioeconomic classes ( see later chapters ) , their per capita consumption of bakery products , and trends in the consumption pattern as between standard lines , such as wrapped white bread , and value added lines such as wholemeal bread , cream cakes , crispbread etc .
22 Consider for example the case of the avoidance of brother-sister incest , which is based to a substantial degree on an inhibition developed during close domestic association in the first six years of life .
23 The cut where the wing had been severed was quite clean , and the blood had dried up , so she concluded that the poor bird must have flown through some overhead wires in the vicinity during the severe gales we 'd had the night before .
24 Such messages are relayed through automatic dialling machines to random or pre-selected telephone numbers and deliver a sales message without human intervention .
25 The space-time co-ordinates can not be regarded as simple unstructured cues to interpretation in context .
26 Odour masking and counteraction can be regarded as two distinct methods of odour abatement , although both processes often take place together in practice .
27 The notion of fact is apt to cause difficulties only if facts are treated as some special species of existences .
28 While a crushed Roward tried to come to terms with the fact that he would be out of a job after the Hong Kong Sevens for Simpkin it was a goal realised after four long years in the territory as its technical director .
29 Developers of big blocks of flats designed for successful young people in and around the big cities and for wealthy pensioners in Florida and California are worried .
30 Design : designed for general outdoor use with large cotton flapped pocket , two side entry pockets , elasticated cuffs .
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