Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [verb] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was too occupied in explaining myself legally to that rather brutal man , Dalziel , then in explaining myself emotionally to Jenny , to have much chance of explaining myself rationally to you .
2 Its articulation is easier and hence its flexibility is greater than that of the trumpet , but its proper place is the brass or wind band and it has not succeeded in establishing itself permanently in the orchestra .
3 The statutes made peasant communes rather than individuals responsible for redemption payments , with the result that an economically successful peasant was prevented from bettering himself quickly by peasants whose entrepreneurial inclinations were less well developed than his own .
4 Do n't know why she 's got ta sort herself out after being a fortnight away with her husband .
5 He was deserted by Desiderius and retreated to St Bertrand de Comminges , where he was eventually deserted by his other leading followers ; finally he was tricked into handing himself over to Guntram 's generals and was killed .
6 This involves ‘ redrawing the boundaries of semantics/pragmatics ’ , in other words recognising that meaning can not be understood by addressing ourselves only to formal , syntactic processes : ‘ pragmatics ’ , the study of why and how utterances are used , has to be included within the study of what the utterances mean , and how their semantic load is constructed and regularised .
7 " Returnees " were told that they would be well treated on giving themselves up to the local authorities .
8 There is another , more subtle effect of exercise which is to be gained from pushing ourselves periodically to the limits of our endurance , and beyond .
9 Crucifixion was death by suffocation : the prisoner alternated between pushing himself upright in order to breathe and sagging back to rest and relieve the pain .
10 But the day had insisted on playing itself out in the idyllic pastoral mode .
11 She was inspired and strengthened by seeing herself not as a passive victim , or a cancer patient , but as an individual working for her own health and well-being .
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