Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The move is not designed to penalise smokers or to force them to change .
2 In addition , despite a disarmingly pleasant manner , Reagan was widely considered to harbour views that placed him outside the mainstream of American politics ; there was a possibility that he might tamper with social security or lead his country into war .
3 Most other weapons can not be considered to have characteristics that make their use illegal whatever the circumstances ; although some others perhaps do — for example , bacteriological weapons , which can equally be argued to be per se illegal .
4 The method is designed to accentuate ways that advance your body clock and play down ways that cause it to delay .
5 Arrangements can be made to consolidate debts and pay them off gradually .
6 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
7 The first thing you 've go to do is you 've got to provide services that mean something to everyone at work .
8 It is the heart of a system that has helped revitalise Mantes and push it to the forefront of Europe 's high technology film manufacturers .
9 If the prime task of the teacher is to help children acquire nationally agreed learning skills and to deepen their understanding of the concepts which underpin particular academic disciplines , then the way subject matter is presented and used in the classroom requires to be reappraised .
10 They have to be taught to respect others and to respect themselves .
11 And every Saab dealer is now bound to down tools and help you out without prior booking if the job takes less than an hour .
12 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
13 ‘ But I do have to see that the servants do everything , and since they all seem to leave as soon as they 've saved up enough money , half my time is spent finding replacements and training them .
14 But he added that government departments had been asked to complete forms and return them to the Treasury .
15 They cause no great problem to anybody , and what ought to happen is that the gipsies and certainly the tinkers ought to be encouraged to buy sites and develop them and police them themselves .
16 If Croats and Serbs are allowed to slaughter Muslims and steal their land unchallenged , the injustice will , or at least should , weigh upon the conscience of all who might have stopped them .
17 members of staff who may be required to brief candidates or show them around ;
18 Lawyers are usually required to prepare cases and defend them .
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