Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While waiting for medicine to cure idiots , I have undertaken to see that they participate in the benefit of education .
2 I know people have written saying that I look like a nun , or could have been a nun , but that 's the last thing I would want to be .
3 At five they are then pushed into an environment where the language is new , the rules incomprehensible and where , unless it is a predominantly Asian area , they are made to realise that they belong to a special category — Asian .
4 British industry is well placed to grow as we recover from the recession .
5 The title of Nigel Osborne 's serenade , Albanian Nights , while moist obviously referring to the disguises assumed by Ferrando and Guglielmo while testing their fiancées ' fidelity in Così fan tutte , is also a metaphorical allusion to our own relationship to the music of the past : ‘ We 've got to recognize that we come into Mozart 's world like characters in disguise : we 've all flown in airplanes , driven fast cars , eaten junk food — things he could n't even have imagined .
6 The argument from error can be used to show that we know of cases where others have successfully concealed their states of mind , or pretended to be in a state of mind other than their own ( these possibilities are not really distinct ) .
7 It 's gone , it 's gone I do n't very often agree with Professor erm I very often do n't agree with David either but I 've got to admit that I agree with both of them today , we 've got to make haste slowly on this one .
8 Respondents are asked to state whether they concur with the proposal of the FRED or to indicate , with reasons , their preference for another method .
9 I have been led to believe that you act as Public Relations Advisor to certain landowners within Highland Region , and should value an opportunity to discuss with you , initially very informally , certain projects for the Association for the Protection of Rural Scotland which which I am involved , if this is in fact the case ?
10 Commons Members unable to attend conference through sickness or because they are abroad on parliamentary business may send instruction to the secretary of the party or to a parliamentary colleague on how their vote shall be cast provided that they send to the secretary on or before the date on which conference opens an explanation in writing of their absence .
11 Owners are allowed to discriminate when they live on the premises and share facilities such as the kitchen and bathroom with the tenants .
12 Over a hundred MPs in the House of Commons hold government posts at the present time and even the humblest of them — the parliamentary private secretaries — are almost always forced to resign if they vote against the government or even abstain .
13 The headmistress had tried to insist that she go on a racial awareness course , she who had taught children of different races for over twenty years .
14 Should children be encouraged to learn before they go to school ?
15 It is mentioned to indicate that we stand at the start of communication changes and must prepare to play our part imaginatively in the future and not just retrospectively .
16 The relationship between k and r is one that can not be guaranteed to hold when we allow for the heterogeneity of capital , as the debate on ‘ 'reswitching ’ has brought out ( see for example Bliss , 1975 , and Harcourt , 1972 ) .
17 It is much easier for Amnesty to help members to do more specialised campaigning if they belong to a group — in particular , we have systems for providing group members with training , and for getting feedback from them — but there may be new types of groups we could develop , and even ways of offering more personalised approaches to campaigning to individual members .
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