Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Middlesex are expected to announce his retirement from the game today .
2 Tenants are required to purchase all liquor , soft drinks and bar items such as crisps and tobacco from Palatine , though at a discount , and they are expected to make their living from the profits after deduction of rent ( paid to Palatine ) , wages , rates , lighting and heating , etc .
3 The European Commission has threatened to withdraw its sponsorship from the scheme .
4 He 'd threatened to withdraw his money from the Bank of England in 1832 like all the other manufacturers of his acquaintance , and to withhold his taxes , in a bid to force the government 's hand so that the new industrial cities could elect their own MPs .
5 As a result , he has decided to withdraw his backing from the production . ’
6 In recent years , I have preferred launching my attack from the bank , rather than from the boat ; and even in high winds , when most of the loch is churned up , clear patches of water may be found along the lee shore .
7 You 've got to get your casualty from the cause , but make sure it 's safe for you , now if it is a , a place where you 've got to get your casualty out and you have n't got a lifeline and I must express this really that there must be two of you and if you are going in you only go in if you think it is safe to go in and you must have a line attached to you and there 's somebody outside , so that if you do get erm overcome by fumes or whatever , they can pull you out , you are safe , they 'll see to you , if there is no hope , you do n't try to be the hero , what you do is go and make a phone call and get the professionals in , because they do n't want to come along and have to deal with two casualties , when there 's only one .
8 Nutritionists and food industry representatives were invited to take their pick from a menu which boasted less fat and more fruit , vegetables and cereals , particularly wholemeal bread .
9 Hamas was widely believed to draw its inspiration from the spiritual leaders of Mujama'a in the Gaza Strip .
10 How many have been trained to analyse their language from the perspective of a learner ?
11 The party had always strongly denied the continued existence of the Official IRA , and De Rossa had hoped to remove its shadow from the party , but failed to achieve a required two-thirds majority at the conference .
12 Susan Allen 's sister quite rightly asked why she was allowed to draw her gun from the armoury with such apparent ease .
13 The buxom Mlle Gilles is called upon every 10 minutes to reveal her all ( or three-quarters of it ) and while this is no sight to be despised , she could have appeared stark-naked from beginning to end and still failed to distract our attention from the movie 's essential mediocrity . ’
14 A COUPLE were ordered to remove their caravan from a travellers permanent encampment at St Christopher 's Park , Newry , at the local Magistrate 's Court yesterday .
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