Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [adj] [noun] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It will be a world in which individuality is better respected and social consciousness is more mature .
2 Felt or glass-fibre wrap is still probably the best type of insulation for valves and compression fittings where preformed insulation wo n't fit .
3 Many of you may have noticed that Good Housekeeping is now on sale at the checkout in Sainsbury 's , which has gone down brilliantly with shoppers , as I discovered when I visited my local London branch .
4 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
5 If it is accepted that general management is still gathering momentum , more may yet be to come .
6 3 : It is generally accepted that nuclear electricity is everywhere more expensive than other forms of generation when the brushed-aside costs of decommissioning and dealing with its wastes are included , as ultimately they must .
7 The death penalty has featured in campaigns in Florida ; in Georgia , where Mr Andrew Young , the former mayor of Atlanta who is now running for governor , has said that capital punishment is sometimes necessary ; in Michigan , where the Republican Senate candidate , Mr Bill Schuette , has attacked Democratic Senator Carl Levin for opposing it ; in one of this week 's congressional by-elections in New York .
8 It could be argued that home-school links is precisely the kind of issue where a generalized LEA policy is least appropriate , since the chemistry of relationships between each school 's staff and its parents is a unique and subtle matter , hardly conducive to centrally determined procedures .
9 It has been argued that human wealth is so illiquid that the greater is this h ratio , the greater will be the demand for money to compensate for the limited marketability of human wealth .
10 It can be seen that human sweat is actually hypotonic ie it contains a lower salt concentration than the plasma .
11 A distinction was made in the first chapter between three types of risk , objective , estimated and subjective , and the assumption was made that subjective risk is closely related to the concept of arousal as it has been used in much memory research .
12 Britain , Sweden and West Germany are each giving around £100 million ; Canada , Japan , Kuwait and the EEC have ensured that total aid is more than £400 million .
13 On the ground most larvae are active ; although they require a film of water for movement and are stimulated by light and temperature , it is now thought that larval movement is mostly random and encounter with grass blades accidental .
14 It is now agreed that global action is urgently required to first to control and then to reduce these and other emissions .
15 Using this system , we have previously shown that IL-6DBP activity is post-translationally modulated by IL-6 ( 20 ) .
16 Other studies have shown that social class is as important a factor in the housing conditions of one parent families as it is in the two-parent families .
17 But other workers have now shown that retinoic acid is actually present in the limb , and its concentration is graded in just the right direction .
18 In addition , we have shown that elemental diet is as beneficial in patients with longstanding disease as it is in newly diagnosed patients .
19 A similar situation exists in some Latin American countries — for example , in Brazil , Argentina and Chile — where industrialization is well advanced and political life is now dominated by a struggle between classes , the outcome of which will decide whether their regimes remain autocratic , sometimes regressing into military and repressive forms , or become more democratic and eventually social democratic .
20 If oesophagitis is not relieved by conservative treatment , the operation should be performed before oesophageal function is severely damaged .
21 It will be noted that 20th-century music is hardly quoted .
22 It is generally recognised that casual working is still important in certain industrial/occupational labour markets , particularly that of the hotels and catering industry , although the question of whether the casual status of their jobs is a source of disadvantage to the people who work in this fashion is one which has , as yet , scarcely been answered .
23 Compensation for the cost of rebuilding damaged and destroyed property is only released when work begins , which explains the relatively small amounts paid compared to the estimated cost of damage .
24 Some argue that these effects may be weak or delayed because domestic activity is so weak .
25 At this ionic strength , sequence specific binding of CytR is only weakly reduced whereas non-specific binding is strongly reduced ( Søgaard-Andersen and Valentin-Hansen , unpubl . ) .
26 While it is easy to comprehend the cause of DNA adducts in the smoking population , the origin of the adducts found after truncal vagotomy is rather more obscure .
27 It is assumed that technical progress is purely labour-augmenting .
28 It is concluded that active duodenitis is less common in patients taking NSAIDs , but is strongly associated with gastric metaplasia , H pylori positive gastritis , and duodenal ulceration .
29 The opportunity afforded for exchange of knowledge and practical study — Miller 's basic principles — are emphasised and due credit is respectfully given to the Apothecaries .
30 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
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