Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [noun prp] [was/were] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 He must surely have supposed that Alpheus was shown in the southern gable-corner , Cladeus in the north ; and if the designer intended these figures for the rivers he would naturally have set them so .
2 It was also reported that Syria was mediating in the dispute .
3 On Jan. 24 it was reported that Prunskiene was living in Switzerland , having fled Lithuania because of fears for her safety .
4 Within four weeks his boss resigned and Murphy was put in charge .
5 The armies separated and Philip was left in possession of Issoudun and Fréteval .
6 No bail application was made and Ashworth was remanded in custody until June 21 .
7 She knew without being told that Ana was walking in her sleep and she was filled with horror at the girl walking through the gate and beyond , perhaps waking late and not knowing where she was , unable to see .
8 But in at least one case it can be shown that Richard was retaining in the area in the 1470s .
9 But in at least one case it can be shown that Richard was retaining in the area in the 1470s .
10 He said he deplored ‘ the abandonment of learning the rules of grammar by rote ’ and stressed that higher standards of literacy were needed if Britain was to compete in an increasingly competitive world .
11 He said he deplored ‘ the abandonment of learning the rules of grammar by rote ’ and stressed that higher standards of literacy were needed if Britain was to compete in an increasingly competitive world .
12 It has often been asserted that England was favoured in just such a way on the eve of her industrial revolution .
13 This date is too late for the birth of Jesus as it is well known that Jesus was born in the reign of Herod the Great , who died in 4 BC .
14 That application was refused and Reynolds was remanded in custody for 4 weeks .
15 Lawyers for the deposed Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega were granted more time to prepare their defence when , as announced on June 7 , the trial was postponed from July 22 to Sept. 3 , the fourth date to have been set since Noriega was charged in January 1990 .
16 He must have been well placed to advance from the re-establishment of his supremacy over the Picts in 672 to the imposition of it also on the Scots , and an opportunity may have been provided when Domangart was slain in 673 and his nephew , Máeldúin , son of Conall Crandomna , became king .
17 There was surprise expressed when Downey was included in the semi-final line-up but he made an invaluable contribution in the second half through his positional sense and slick distribution .
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