Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If , as seems likely , the trend continues for the curricular domination of individual subjects to be supplemented or indeed replaced by a more fluid organization of learning in terms of either modular units or work-related competencies , this is also likely to strengthen the support for records of achievement with or without a component of external examination .
2 It was attacked and badly damaged by a patrolling Hurricane , Flt.Lt .
3 Moreover , the pre-arranged trade is reported and perhaps published as a competitively-determined transaction , when it is not in fact a genuine product of the competitive forces of supply and demand on the exchange .
4 Rates can be queried and even contested through a rate tribunal .
5 This common misconception is fostered and perhaps shared by a great many retailers .
6 Then our eyes will be firmly caught and firmly held by a bent female figure hurrying in through the door and across the room towards us .
7 The wound was cleaned daily with sodium chloride 0.9% , the hydrogen peroxide cream applied and then covered with a non-adherent dressing and secured with a bandage .
8 Ashmount Hotel Detached and beautifully situated on a quiet road off the promenade .
9 Captures the angry collapsing mood of the country as Allende 's left wing government is threatened and eventually deposed by a right wing junta .
10 Receiving the award on behalf of the company , John Stewart , Managing Director , was delighted with the achievement ‘ It gives additional confidence to a range that was already well prepared and carefully targeted at a specific market ’ , he said .
11 This Christian Socialist , dedicated to equal shares and to soaking the rich ( who included his own family ) , was accepted and frostily admired as an incorruptible thorn in the nation 's conscience , forever reminding them that there was no jam today and they could only expect some tomorrow if they had earned it .
12 Expression of many herpesvirus genes is coordinately regulated and sequentially ordered in a cascade fashion .
13 On Oct. 12 Interior Minister Schäuble was shot and severely disabled by a mentally deranged assailant [ see pp. 37763 ; 38199 ] .
14 In March he was shot and seriously injured by a right-wing extremist .
15 Noseir was shot and seriously injured by a US Postal Service police officer whilst attempting to escape the scene .
16 On March 24 a soldier was shot and seriously wounded at an otherwise peaceful demonstration by Islamic students in Makulla , east of Aden , and two days later counter-demonstrations were organized in the town , attended by several thousand people .
17 It requires three visits to a hospital after a woman has been accepted as legally entitled to an abortion — which means she must have the agreement of two doctors and ‘ qualify for ’ the abortion only on certain grounds .
18 Their official car , following behind the royals , was stopped and then forced into a police compound .
19 Spence ( 1981 ) argues that the theory is powerfully related to school life , seeing classroom behaviour as narrowly prescribed and highly institutionalised as a result of both direct and indirect control , the latter being perhaps more significant :
20 The data — which is provided foot by foot — is electronically gathered and later analysed with a special software program for pressure transient analysis called PIE .
21 The 19-year-old singer from 2 Unlimited was left mentally wrecked and physically exhausted after a gruelling tour of South America .
22 Traditionally practitioners have considered infant behaviour problems to be symptomatic of underlying disorder — that the problem exists inside the child and must be diagnosed and then treated with a view to a cure .
23 In broad terms it may be stated as being whether an original tenant under a lease containing a rent review clause is bound by privity of contract to pay the landlord for the time being of the premises a rent agreed or otherwise determined with a subsequent assignee of the term .
24 In addition , several bales of cannabis were jettisoned and later recovered in an air/sea search .
25 The output of the monochromator was detected by a photomultiplier , amplified and then plotted on a wavelength-synchronized x-y recorder .
26 A photo-electric cell converted the spot 's messages into electric signals , which were amplified and further converted into a display on a television viewing screen .
27 The sun , the clear sky , the bright colours , the prosperous look of this lively , airy university town and wine-growing capital ; the stalls massed with flowers ; fresh fish shining pink and gold and silver in shallow baskets ; cherries and apricots and peaches on the fruit barrows ; one stall piled with about a ton of little bunches of soup or pot-au-feu vegetables — a couple of slim leeks , a carrot or two , a long thin turnip , celery leaves , and parsley , all cleaned and neatly bound with a rush , ready for the pot ; another charcuterie stall , in the covered part of the market , displaying yards of fresh sausage festooned around a pyramid-shaped wire stand ; a fishwife crying pussy 's parcels of fish wrapped tidily in newspaper ; an old woman at the market entrance selling winkles from a little cart shaped like a pram ; a fastidiously dressed old gentleman choosing tomatoes and leaf artichokes , one by one , as if he were picking a bouquet of flowers , and taking them to the scales to be weighed ( how extraordinary that we in England put up so docilely with not being permitted by greengrocers or even barrow boys to touch or smell the produce we are buying ) ; a lorry with an old upright piano in the back threading round and round the market place trying to get out .
28 Counter sunk rivets may be used and then skimmed with a small amount of body filler to hide them .
29 The section provides that the Secretary of State may make provisions by regulations in relation to revised accounts and reports which , in particular , may : — make different provisions according to whether the previous documents are replaced or merely supplemented by a statement of corrections ; deal with the functions of the auditors ; require the directors to take specified steps in relation to circulation to members and others entitled under section 238 ; laying before a general meeting and delivery to the Registrar ; and the application of provisions of the Act ( including penalties ) .
30 However , it appears that , if the ice motion is slowed or temporarily halted against a barrier , the snow will be stripped away and the bare ice rippled and eroded by dry winds that continually course down the ice cap .
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