Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [unc] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that the arrangement can be made and er I conclude what I have to say at this stage .
2 Well I , I I , I do n't mind how it 's done but erm I hear nothing on the many people on , you know , who talk about erm giving aid erm a dread from this problem is this vast erm amount of the G M P and going on armaments and going on one way and another .
3 We also want the money quicker which erm I would have thought would more than outweigh any of the so-called extra expense that you 've got and er I said we regard it as an essential sales tool to be get m better recognition in the country so er he is progressing with the applications .
4 She 's erm she 's a waitress in Chester so it can shows you how much cross section we 've got and erm she said her and her boyfriend was coming up to Blaenau to be on the picket line and so on and we were quite friendly with her .
5 Er well Madam Deputy Speaker I think erm that the last half an hour shown that er the quality of debate in this house er remains extremely high and that even when you have an issue which on the face of it looks to be as dry as dust er that er there are some honourable members who will pick an argument er when perhaps er on the face of it there ought not to be much of an argument er I ca n't erm I ca n't say that erm I agreed with much of what erm the honourable member for Great Grimsby said er he seemed to imply er quite early on his er speech that most of the City of London er was collapsing in a sea of sleaze and er er other other goings on which are extremely er to be regretted but erm I think we ought to er remind him er that erm , you know , all all of these four orders er followed the Bingham inquiry into er what happened at B C C I which was not a British bank , was an international bank based erm overseas and I think I 'm right in saying this and I 'm sure my honourable friend the minister will confirm when he winds up er this is the first er such difficulty er that we 've experienced for a great length of time .
6 Erm paint is now solvent based or s I know it 's gon na be phased out but basically it 's solvent based .
7 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
8 I always involve the local councillors because at the moment we have a running battle with them over the er repairs , because most of us live in council property in my particular Guild , and so we get involved and s you know what you 're going to do about these you know .
9 A friend of mine did it erm they did n't burn the erm the spirit when they 'd finished and erm you know you 're meant to actually put a piece of paper under and burn it under the light or smash the glass and erm for the next six months she could n't sleep properly and it felt like there , she was like tormented and erm things were like pulling at her , her bedclothes and I swear she 's like seeing a psy a psychia psychiatrist and she had to sleep in her parents ' room and everything really scary .
10 Erm , by having know that the land grows the weeds and no pesticides not disturbed , there 's no shooting , they 're never shot around here , the birds can come in sheltered , you know , they , they 're just like a little nature reserve , protected area , game park you know , nothing shot at just left and er they like it obviously , I mean it 's like anything once it learns that er it 's gon na be left alone it comes again and again .
11 but it , he paid back five quid well Geoffrey said in reality it must of been about twenty quid that kid had taken but er he said they made him pay back five pounds , so at least they
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