Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [conj] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The project resource sheet is so designed that once you 've allocated the resources , it is now relatively easy to transfer those res resources over to the project plan .
2 It may easily be objected that if he had wished to avoid becoming archbishop he had simply to refuse .
3 I 'll tell Alison the accountant then , and she 'll tell me what she 's sold and how many contracts we 've booked and but it 's done in front of everybody else while everybody , why everybody else who 's on the phone .
4 The Prime Minister 's speech was pitiful , not just because policies had collapsed but because he 'd spent so little time preparing it , so busy was he trying to help his chum .
5 Discarding pretence still further , she opened one of the drawers in the white chest of drawers , slamming it shut at once on the unfashionable baby clothes that Nannie had left in tidy small piles , washed and mended as though she had planned for them an after-life in which Nannie 's memory should have a lasting importance .
6 The area was so poor that even the dead rats in the street looked as though they had died of hunger .
7 Freya 's letter looked as though she had written it in a great hurry : reams and reams of handwritten scrawl , with sentences crawling up the side of the page and ideas jumping all over the place .
8 The cottage , with its lichen-covered roof , looked as though it had grown out of the moor .
9 We had a 3.15 PM start , and we 'd only played one hole when the end of the world looked as though it had come and we had to shelter in the R&A tent .
10 I — I 've decided that since you 've got everything under control there 's no point in my staying here any longer .
11 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
12 I think that the point , has to be made that when we 've had a transport supplementary grant decision and settlement as poor as this one , then it really is about trying to protect and enhance the people of Lincolnshire and the road network , rather than just for once , party politics , because I ca n't honestly believe that the conservatives would actually , feel that this is a fair , reasonable settlement .
13 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
14 He tried to remember that Fiver was under-sized and that they had had an anxious time and were all weary .
15 Because of what he 'd said and because I 'd asked his wife who he was .
16 ‘ It 's right to hand him back to the government of the country to which he belongs in the expectation that he will be properly treated and if he has committed a war crime he would be tried accordingly , ’ Lord Aldington replied .
17 He had been promised that once he had obtained his colliery manager 's certificate , he would be made an assistant manager .
18 I think that people would be justified in rebuking me for deceiving them as to my whereabouts , but that I would no more have actually lied than if I had thrown my voice and said ‘ Cooee ‘ .
19 I was told that before she got married and gone into farming she lived with a great-aunt and enjoyed a good meal every day .
20 Subjects were told that after they had heard the passage one sentence from it would be repeated , either exactly , or with some small change , and that their task was to say whether the sentence had been in the passage or not .
21 Rod said : ‘ I was shocked to be told that if I had waited any longer before seeking help I would not have survived .
22 Replication server is a way to guarantee data delivery where it 's needed and when it 's needed .
23 He hung on to the semicircular rail around the outer edge , where they were standing because the businessmen who had got in after them had jostled them there , and she saw that his eyes were closed and that he had gone gray with fear about the drop .
24 It may sound a little long winded but after you have read the manual ( twice ) you should understand the plot and the idea .
25 no Bev 's flown but when I 've gone up with her
26 That 's X squared but when it 's differentiated cos you 've got ta go back into the bracket it comes out as that .
27 Sting 's set with a fascinatingly diverse band sounded as though he has moved into a different dimension from his Police days — to this reviewer at least , he was a revelation .
28 That crunch had sounded as though she 'd ripped the door off !
29 It is well recognized because unless you have managed to work out how things actually happen you have no chance of achieving anything at all .
30 The therapist should note how other siblings within the family have faired and whether they have had any stress related problems .
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