Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [noun] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Upon being reminded that Darlington was the sort of marginal constituency the Party may like to win she assumed then that the recipients must live in Tory wards .
2 The daring magnitude of this conception has since been obscured by its almost routine enactment in a series of African countries in the 1960s , but it should never be forgotten that India was the test case , and that at the time success in the execution of such a plan seemed far from assured : only a year before Mountbatten 's appointment the then viceroy , Lord Wavell , had been pressing on the Cabinet his ‘ Breakdown Plan ’ , which consisted simply of the phased evacuation of the British from India without any serious attempt to ensure that a viable , much less friendly , government was installed in their place .
3 It must not be forgotten that Luke is the author of two books in the New Testament : the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles .
4 In spite of it being claimed that Sunday was the Lord 's day and therefore a day of rest , all in all it was one of the most tiring days of the week .
5 It could be claimed that Lawson was the custodian of success , however risky his strategy appeared to be .
6 In this he was probably hoping to answer those who had claimed that fear was the cause of his failure to appear during the campaign at Valencia .
7 It was reported that BB was the basis of forty-seven per cent of French conversation — how this was computed is not easy to see but people said such things .
8 It was won because Labour was the party of high taxation , because the Conservative Party presented an alternative , and because most electors neither admired Mr Kinnock nor believed that he could deliver the promises that he was making .
9 Dalgliesh , if he had n't known his history , would have guessed that Massingham was the produce of a sound , upper-middle-class family — a doctor or a solicitor , perhaps — and of an old established grammar school .
10 As I have heard that Kim is the beauty of the family , Lorraine the sensible one , and Megan the tomboy , I am surprised by the strength of Megan 's face , the magnificent width of features , the flush of her skin .
11 For a long time it was felt that Agrippa was the builder , and later that his portico had been reerected in the later building .
12 Meanwhile detectives have revealed that robbery was the motive for the crime .
13 It is often said that delegation is the art of management .
14 It could be said that phileo is the relationship .
15 Some historians have argued that nationalism was the outgrowth of the desire by élites to gain economic and political power , and that they manipulated indigenous symbols to this end .
16 Fanshawe clearly thought that Quigley was the product of the chemical reaction he had just engendered .
17 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
18 It is generally agreed that Haydn was the father of the string quartet , and he set the highest standards : the quartets of Beethoven and Schubert could hardly have been written without his brilliant examples of how it should be done .
19 In addition , it has been shown that Ac-ASA is the form of the drug predominantly found in the rectal mucosa of patients taking oral sulphasalazine .
20 It is boldly shown that God is the Creator of all — the universe , man , and everything else .
21 It will be noted that errors are the basis of further skill acquisition .
22 and rung the A A , so as I got through to the A A man I says erm , you know , I says I , where I was parked and all like that and where I was stood and the chap says oh I 'll get a , a van up to ya as soon as I can , but I says wait a minute , I says my car 's just arrived and Joan was the mechanic , he lifted bonnet up and touched something and you brought it down did n't you ?
23 There are the Old People 's Associations , about 100 of them , which do not pay dividends and , therefore , function as charitable institutions ; also counted as charities are the Housing Trusts , such as the Peabody , Astor , Guinness , Lewis and Sutton Trusts , which started to build large blocks of flats in industrial areas at an early date .
24 The only news medium represented which was neither federally run nor NPN-supporting was the Lagos newspaper the Punch .
25 The letter , ‘ I ca n't forgo principles ’ , was reportedly published at the behest of Ligachev and for some time it was believed that Andreeva was the pseudonym of a conservative member of the leadership .
26 Hit and run were the tactics , the Australians preferring to kill five or six Japanese than risk casualties to themselves by tarrying longer to kill more enemy in one skirmish .
27 Someone once wittily remarked that children are the death of marriage .
28 Then the density of undisturbed fluid at height Δz is ( the suffix a signifying ‘ ambient ’ ) , which may also be expressed where N is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency .
29 The Hermitage has confirmed that June is the date for showing the drawings and watercolours removed from the Kunsthalle in Bremen in 1945 .
30 To say this is , it should be noted , is to make a theological point : since it is held that God is the creator , so that what is natural , and what is also found to be the case , must accord with what is God 's intention .
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