Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] when [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No need to tell them about Charlie and getting married or the unholy row with Mama or the hell that was let loose when she told them she 'd had her medical for the WRNS and if anyone tried to stop her going …
2 Any irregularities in the universe would simply have been smoothed out by the expansion , as the wrinkles in a balloon are smoothed away when you blow it up .
3 The God-shaped vacuum within us makes itself felt most when we ask ourselves — or our psychiatrist — ‘ Who am I ? ’
4 We 'd just moved in when we discovered we had a mouse in the kitchen .
5 ‘ I have been around too long to take anything for granted so when I saw which way the wind was blowing I just buckled down and got on with playing . ’
6 ‘ Appealing was then done only when you thought it was out , ’ said Kerr .
7 Chapman 's accurate assessment of Male 's qualities was shown too when he switched him from wing-half to full-back .
8 Her mind drifted back to that occasion while Pascoe was talking and she was recalled sharply when she realized he had put a question .
9 No erm but when I when I have I 'm so used to having it up and all tucked back when I have it down I feel scruffy
10 But there is a major flaw that was pointed out when we had our last discussion about counting that alongside other factors , that you do a certain amount of work dependent on what your current staffing levels are .
11 Well I should imagine my would be insulted now when I gave him all those things !
12 His ferocious idealism made her think over and over again in terror of what her father would have said to her , and what she would have replied , if he had woken up when she shook him .
13 Now one can make judgments about means and indeed as I was saying in my last lecture , the actual capability of the weapons you have can only really be found out when you use them and then you can see , very often , that they are in fact ineffective .
14 Now one can make judgments about means and indeed as I was saying in my last lecture , the actual capability of the weapons you have can only really be found out when you use them and then you can see , very often , that they are in fact ineffective .
15 Because all human beings are fallible , with individual fears and weaknesses , it is so easy for the foundation for a similar fear in our children to be laid even when we think we are doing our best for them .
16 ‘ This place was very run down when we bought it , ’ she said , looking round lovingly .
17 Their eyes nearly popped out when they realised we were together ! ’
18 ‘ All her friends were knocked sideways when she rang them and told them she had got spliced .
19 But he phoned yesterday and seemed a bit put out when I told him you were ill . ’
20 ‘ It was like a Whitehall farce the way that money was passed around when they got it . ’
21 He was somewhat taken aback when we identified ourselves as Customs , muttering something about clearing customs at Poole Quay later .
22 They were rather taken aback when they realised they would be learning about the way the planning system operates !
23 Lucenzo looked up as if he 'd only just realised she 'd slipped away , and seemed taken aback when he saw her .
24 Anyway , I did some radio interviews and I was quite taken aback when I found myself over the front page of the Evening Standard .
25 Many parents felt that their own contribution to the assessment was only taken seriously when it supported what the professionals were saying .
26 I do n't think the snake had fully wakened up when I caught it , and I was careful not to jar it as I ran back to where my brothers and Blyth were lying on the grass .
27 This extra pension is paid either when you claim your pension or when you reach 70(65) , regardless of whether you have retired from work or not .
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