Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [coord] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Two samples are collected ; a — 150 mesh sediment which is analysed for up to 28 elements and a panned concentrate which is examined microscopically and may be analysed for particular elements .
2 The searches are listed below and should be submitted by the purchaser 's solicitors at the earliest opportunity .
3 an Aux(iliary) Input ( also a stereo 3.5 mm socket ) connects a cassette player to the GX-7 , the guitar output is mixed in and can be heard via a pair of Walkman headphones connected to the Out , the guitar appearing at the centre of the stereo image .
4 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
5 To refit a wheel , the tyre is picked up and can be rotated on the pivoting platform to re-align the holes to the studs .
6 Er , My Lord we will obviously calculate such interest that has to be calculated er and figures have to be sorted out and will be agreed if that is appropriate , er and we 'll also consider whether it 's proper er to seek to achieve a structured settlement .
7 This fish has now been imported for over two years and when first appeared its price was in the second-mortgage league , but now has dropped considerably and can be picked up for between £30–£50 .
8 This structure is followed in the example given above and can be broken down as follows : If after the Seller has given the Buyer notice that the goods are ready for collection [ case ] , the Buyer fails to collect the goods within seven days [ condition ] , the Seller [ subject ] may make arrangements for the storage of the goods [ action ] and the Buyer shall reimburse the Seller all costs and charges incurred as a result of such storage .
9 By an Act of 1808 ( 48 Geo III cap 123 ) , anyone who had been a year in prison for a debt of less than £20 was thought to have suffered enough and must be allowed to go home .
10 The next edition is being prepared now and will be published in early January .
11 The senior chief inspector 's annual report is being prepared now and will be submitted to me on completion .
12 Many subjects are represented in a standard form or treated in a standard way and , to cater for this , each edition of the Dewey system lists standard sub-divisions that are never used alone but may be added to any number from the general subject tables .
13 An SPR may only be closed once but may be referred to as ‘ replied ’ many times .
14 A multiple.length value is held in a number of consecutive store locations ; the left-most bit of all words but the first ( which holds the sign bit ) may either be used arithmetically or may be ignored .
15 He said the plans for pedestrianisation had been badly thought out and should be scrapped before what he described as ‘ inevitable chaos ’ began .
16 These results showed that it made no difference to RISC whether register variables ( hints that variables will be used frequently and should be kept in a register ) were declared or not .
17 One view was that integrated circuits were protected by copyright through drawings or photographs as most of the masks used in the manufacturing process were produced photographically and would be protected as photographs .
18 Even if there were monastic or friary-owned schools in the town they would still not constitute a university , as each school would be administered separately and would be dominated by the beliefs of the monastic order .
19 The book is highly informative and well set out and will be required reading for many farming and veterinary students and many established dairy farmers would derive benefit from its contents .
20 The grounds of appeal are not viewed formally and may be enlarged at a later stage .
21 It has not proved possible as yet to get a Homeopathic lecturer but this is still being followed up and will be fitted into a future programme .
22 Thus we have shown that for each m the product of n elements unc can be defined unambiguously and can be denoted by unc without brackets .
23 Faxes can be saved in order to be printed later or can be sent to other system subscribers — again using the keypad on a touch tone phone .
24 It must not be followed rigidly but should be modified in the light of information that becomes available as the test progresses .
25 In contrast , the construction industry is centred locally and will be dealt with in relation to a discussion of land , as will retailing .
26 Of course , anything you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence against you …
27 At Greenwich Pier , the last surviving sailing clipper , Cutty Sark , is moored permanently and can be visited .
28 BUDAPEST ( AP ) — The light illuminating the huge red star atop Hungary 's parliament was switched off and will be removed after the Communist Party 's decision to disband .
29 John has devised a system of tooling for turning nests of bowls , which he presented at the Loughborough seminar and has been taken up and will be marketed in the near future .
30 and had emphasised that the Institute could be left behind and would be compelled by others in Europe to do certain things , which was not desirable .
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