Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [conj] [noun pl] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Normative rulings , then , do not apply to a fixed role apart from the incumbent ; they can be developed only as individuals have the time and occasion to become familiar with each others ' past history and future intentions .
2 All shelters had to be altered so that queues faced the trams , new signs were erected and the traditional round stop-signs disappeared .
3 A Kensington and Chelsea council meeting was suspended and police called last night during uproar over plans to redevelop Portobello Road market when a motion to shelve plans pending consultation was voted down after stall-holders presented an opposition petition .
4 It can not be stressed enough that calendars need a little extra display thought if they are to sell out well .
5 ADDICTION to computer games is creating aggressive and anti-social tendencies among children , it is claimed today as teachers demand a campaign to alert parents to the potential dangers .
6 THE number of pupils being expelled from schools across the region has risen dramatically and experts predict the trend will continue .
7 A FAREWELL march through a ship 's adopted town had to be diverted yesterday after police discovered a suspicious package .
8 The concrete garden path has been bricked over and vines adorn the white-painted exterior .
9 A search for what was thought to be a body has been called off after police found an aircraft cargo net .
10 Subsequently these conclusions have been challenged , it being pointed out that experiments involving the rapid heating and cooling of small individual rocks do not accurately re-create field conditions .
11 It is often pointed out that governments manipulate the economy to engineer booms in periods immediately preceding elections , to the detriment of the economy , often by manipulating the money supply .
12 For example , bubonic plague had largely disappeared either because rats developed an immunity to the bacillus or due to a change in the flea transmitters .
13 Critics of these views on the other hand insist that the public interest is properly served only where companies pursue the traditional goal of profit maximisation .
14 CAMPUSES throughout the region were hit yesterday as lecturers launched a national one-day strike over pay .
15 Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles .
16 If you do have doubts and problems about the job these should be discussed privately before things reach a crucial stage .
17 Bosses were warned yesterday that secretaries have the power to banish them to the back of aircraft or even give them a poor hire car .
18 " We are not saying there is anything wrong with these kinds of products , but they should be labelled so that consumers have a choice " , according to the report 's author , Sue Dibb .
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