Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a very considerable consensus on the elements selected , and these choices , in the order in which they appear in the text , are given below along with the percentage ( rounded to the nearest integer ) of the informants who identified each one .
2 ‘ Shush , Mamma , ’ Rosa had said , and then Sabina had come in again with the bird — it would make only a bite to eat .
3 Results for the 12 months to the end of December are expected shortly along with an announcement on the progress of loan renegotiations .
4 Many , particularly of the younger generation , had become disillusioned not only with the war , but also with the political system that had produced it .
5 Such a program could be designed not only with the aim of increasing visual acuity but could be related to the production of verbal constructs in a way that might enhance the ability to communicate about what was seen and felt .
6 This conflict abuse , as will be made clear later , is to be considered not only with a view to regulation by formal law but also by the regulatory technique known as the ‘ Chinese Wall ’ .
7 I was just having a word with one of your colleagues here trying to take up what Mr 's point was and I think we 've come up maybe with a compromise , is that we call him the County Public Protection Officer .
8 The invasion of Abyssinia was carried out successfully with the aid of poison gas and the widespread payment of bribes to local chieftains .
9 Nevertheless some valued individual work is undertaken and I was told it was often most effective when carried out jointly with a Probation Officer , each undertaking specific but complementary work .
10 This research , to be carried out jointly with the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , will clarify the extent to which this debate is similar in both East and West .
11 Parliament was dissolved on March 16 , with the last days of business occupied almost exclusively with the Finance Bill which incorporated the fiscal measures announced in the budget .
12 Harries , already unsuccessful with two very kickable penalties , and replaced by Jones , who had landed an angled one from 28 yards , might have done rather more with the opportunity , but Newport scored straight afterwards .
13 Never before had she argued so passionately with a man , hating him and wanting him with an intensity that frightened her .
14 British Aerospace workers ' hopes of a revival were shot down yesterday with the news that 650 jobs are to be axed .
15 Moreover once inflation has levelled out at an acceptable rate , aggregate demand can be expanded once again with the result that the actual unemployment rate will fall back towards NAIRU .
16 Later , more complex constructions were built up further with a drum upon the pendentives , pierced by windows in the sides to light the building beneath , and the dome surmounted this drum ( ‘ F' ) .
17 An ordinary little firm that has operated perfectly cheerfully with a clerk and a few assistants over the years , is it actually a practical proposition to install the computer and perhaps train one or two of the workers to use it ?
18 Administering drugs by inunction ( through the skin ) has been made safer recently with the introduction of a measured dose .
19 You 've done very well with the diet of course .
20 If the BRAC workers had collaborated more closely with the village practitioners , then the lobon-gur solution would probably have been placed on a better footing in the Bangladeshi villages .
21 My children have helped most sensitively with the calibration of my scarometer .
22 An important feature of this book is that all the activities described can be used not only with the sample material provided , but also with other materials of the teacher 's own choice .
23 On a few occasions other service-providers sought to refer clients directly to the project ; and very occasionally expressed the wish that the development officers could have acted more quickly with a client whose situation they felt needed immediate action .
24 The long , slender pelvic fins are drawn up flush with the underside of the body , while the pectoral fins lie flat against the sides .
25 Amy , however , suggested that the matter should be talked out again with the pharmacist , and that other sources of money should be looked for .
26 Serum gastrin was measured twice before with an interval of 15 minutes and at 15 minutes intervals for one hour after eating a standard test meal of one slice of white bread , one boiled egg , 150 ml of milk , 150 ml of yoghurt , 50 g of cheese , 20 g of sugar , and 25 g of butter .
27 THE management team which has built the most successful Great Britain side since the Seventies was broken up yesterday with the dismissal of the 54-year-old Les Bettinson , team manager since 1985 .
28 THE management team which has built the most successful Great Britain side since the Seventies was broken up yesterday with the dismissal of the 54-year-old Les Bettinson , team manager since 1985 .
29 If I 'd stayed any longer with the villain who sold me those QE2 boots , I 'd have walked from the shop with a case of tent pegs and a canoe .
30 Ultimately , the balance becomes intolerable until , in what must be akin to the most incredibly vibrant springtime one has ever experienced , the world is flooded once again with the power of the Life Force , of consciousness , of universal spirituality , devoid of ritual , dogma and the outward trappings of religion .
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