Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The House of Lords has concluded that our Sunday trading laws are unclear and has therefore referred them to the European Court of Justice to clarify whether they are compatible with European law .
2 But the archaeologists ' obsession with the past had blinded them to the real cause of the lamentations they witnessed along the river .
3 The deadline for lodging the appeal is midnight tonight but UEFA have so far heard nothing from the Georgian club .
4 That has since happened in England and Wales , although the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities said it had heard nothing in the past year from the Scottish Office .
5 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
6 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
7 ‘ In this case it 's because they believe you 've tricked them over the supposed disappearance of Clarion Call .
8 Shuffling all those bodies about to get it all nice and tidy , I think would not only be an enormous exercise , it would be a waste of time , because people do n't stay fixed in aspic once you 've placed them in the right place ; they change , they progress , they regress or whatever .
9 The Macedonian royal house was deeply involved with Persia : Gygaia , the sister of Alexander I , was given in marriage to a Persian called Boubares , and they lived off the revenues of a Phrygian city given them by the Persian king ( Hdt. viii .
10 What magic did these brothers possess that had catapulted them into the rarefied atmosphere of the multi-billionaires .
11 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
12 Last time I had been to Paris they had rescued me from the freezing streets and hungry wolf packs . )
13 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
14 ‘ I rang the airport straight away — they 've booked me on the first flight out .
15 It was nearly forty years later that I met the man who had carried me into the only half track we had left and who reassured me .
16 It has carried me from the comfortable Salisbury suburb where a kind Scottish family have made me a home , to a rough Bulawayo farmstead .
17 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
18 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
19 He could have dropped me off the first time !
20 ‘ It 's funny , ’ says Brian , ‘ they 're both so like my own kids that we often say the stork must have dropped them in the wrong homes the first time around .
21 The devil had booked them into the same room .
22 He would have been a natural replacement for Blair , but in another cruel twist , Gallagher , a university student in Northampton , has committed himself to the English club this season and will not be available to Dungannon for the league .
23 They moved to Dallas , and Graham has so immersed himself in the American way of life that I am surprised he has not sought American citizenship .
24 At 26 , then , young William Charles ( 'Call me Charles … ' ) had magically catapulted himself into the lower echelons of the Establishment — all achieved , we may suppose , with the help of a good head for business , a degree of energy and flamboyance and an ingratiating style with customers , especially ladies ?
25 But if Mr Major is at heart opposed to greater union , Britain 's policy is likely to be affected by the institutional pressures of Whitehall , which has over the years committed itself to the pro-European line .
26 The non-proliferation treaty has not prevented countries like Israel , India and South Africa from secretly developing nuclear weapons , but at least they have not gone public with them and no country has officially added itself to the nuclear weapons states .
27 Rangers , though , deserved some fortune because they had enjoyed none at the other end .
28 Johannsen also claimed one in the latter area at 1150 .
29 Having thus resigned herself to the passive lifestyle of a semi-invalid literary lady , she became a regular contributor to the Spectator , then edited by her father 's close friend Richard Holt Hutton [ q.v. ] , in which she published over fifty articles between 1880 and 1893 .
30 So he went to the commanding officer at Binbrook ( who was the one who had recommended him in the first place ) , and said — no thanks , I want to get out .
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