Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [prep] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It amazed her that she 'd ever believed herself in love with him , that she 'd deluded herself into seeing his arrogance and his egotism as positive qualities .
2 Poor Stephen — she should n't have teased him by exaggerating her friendship with Martin the way she had .
3 various men seem to have caught it from changing their nappies .
4 MITI disciplined it by limiting its allocation of imported coking coal .
5 While large firms have continued to increase their capital/labour ratios thus widening the productivity gap with smaller firms , this has certainly not prevented them from persuading their suppliers to improve the quality of their equipment .
6 The installer had come highly recommended , but that had n't prevented him from installing our boiler without one !
7 I have been a personal friend for many years , but that has never prevented him from criticising my colleagues and myself whenever he felt it necessary to do so .
8 They 'd suspected him of rigging her escape , and now their suspicions were confirmed .
9 While Mrs Drubb , with no more explanation than that she was a woman now and had better keep well away from men , had then scolded her for upsetting her mother .
10 He 'd done it by making her question herself , she realised .
11 He had done it by convening his kin and friends and other nobles in his support .
12 ‘ I 've got letters from people recently with big crosses on them , people who 've accused me of using my lyrics to subvert people .
13 He felt confused beneath Cornelius 's unwavering stare , unsure whether he had not betrayed himself by patting his pocket to check if the photographs were still there .
14 Nutty had once accused him of giving his mare extra feed at night because she was fatter than all the others , but it was true : he did give her extra .
15 She 'd already virtually accused him of killing her brother .
16 Imagine , she 'd thanked him for telling her Rob was missing !
17 But Marwood refuses to take issue with Bassett and , instead , has thanked him for furthering his management ambitions .
18 The President began the meeting as usual , with a review of the scientific advances of the previous year , naming experts who had helped him in making his list .
19 Luke 's arms came round her as if she had summoned him by saying his name , and she could n't continue .
20 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
21 He had never forgiven her for reporting his indiscretion in front of her husband .
22 Of relics of ‘ Our Henry 's ’ birth , the chateau of Pau keeps a single , peculiar example : the large turtle-shell supposed to have served him for a cradle , once his grandfather had christened him by rubbing his lips with a clove of garlic and a dab of Jurançon wine .
23 Contrary to Cissie 's opinion , she herself was glad that David had stopped her from opening her heart to this impressionable young girl .
24 The meeting with Picasso , which probably took place around the time this picture was being painted or soon after , must have encouraged him in turning his back completely on Fauvism .
25 Now they 're blaming the government , saying it should have warned them against transferring their pensions into Maxwell 's hands .
26 The other is the note in Appendix F , which says that some hobbit-names have been retained by Tolkien without translation , ‘ though I have usually anglicized them by altering their endings , since in Hobbit-names a was a masculine ending , and o and e were feminine . ’
27 She would n't have upset him by taking his dog for a walk , that was for sure .
28 Pride always restrained her from describing her mother 's attitudes in too much detail , and she tended rather to laugh them off , but nevertheless her friends had some shrewd notion of the situation .
29 An effective way of dealing with this situation is to make the dog lie down , having first scruffed it by shaking its neck .
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