Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So you need to know the objects you 're dealing with , then differentiate them , then when you 've differentiated them when you 've differentiated them you can work back and you think , Ah I know how I got that .
2 He was n't the only one who was flummoxed ; Three fine calves had shown symptoms of acute gastric pain , I had treated them and they had died .
3 erm Anything else on page nine ? erm On Nestlé , Chief 's reminded me that we have got , I received today , a long letter from Nestlé , basically saying they wo n't be coming today .
4 Hearing about Rodney 's book has reminded me that I 've got to get down to work on mine . ’
5 He blushed to think of how shamelessly he 'd paraded himself when he 'd had Judith on his arm ; how he 'd joked that she loved him for his cleanliness , and for his taste in bidets .
6 She said he would have come himself but he had to go Oxford of course .
7 ‘ I would have let you if you 'd asked , ’ said his Mum .
8 Beating drums and sticks and piping , with dancers and tumblers leaping ahead of them , the grave band of three old men and four younger ones in cloaks of feathers and aprons of leaves had approached him and they had parleyed , as far as their inability to communicate in language allowed .
9 The content of what he said might have chilled her if she had harboured any desire to stay longer — which , she told herself fiercely , she most definitely did not .
10 He 'd charmed her and she 'd succumbed once again .
11 And then Keeley had nudged him and he 'd found the words she wanted , and still it was n't enough — she called him a liar and wept even louder .
12 What guarantee do we have that , when we have to converge with , for example , the Greeks , Portuguese and Italians , the money transferred from our pockets to theirs will not merely impoverish us and give money to those who have not earned it while we have to work harder for less and pay higher interest rates ?
13 He had rather enjoyed it and it had helped him to keep his mind off what might be happening to Snodgrass and to Floy and Fenella .
14 While I 've been injured I 've missed them and they 've missed me .
15 I had said nothing and he had assumed that we were engaged , telling his mother that night and mine the following morning .
16 A movement had startled me and I turned to see Robin-Anne Crowninshield , dressed only in a white nightdress , standing in the main companionway .
17 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
18 He replied : ‘ We had our orders and they would have shot me if I had resisted . ’
19 Once I 've met everyone and we 've had a chance to get to know one another , they 'll see no reason to continue this quarrel . ’
20 Of the driver it would be reasonable to say that she must have seen them but she has forgotten about the pigeons and just did n't notice the lights and roadworks .
21 The Marshal had seen them as they stood gossiping in the street at an equal distance between the two buildings so as to keep their doors in view , but it would be a waste of time trying to get her to admit it .
22 ‘ I 've done nothing that I need to get away with .
23 Marty 's done them before you see have n't you ?
24 She changed into her shorts — Fen had donned his before they went shopping — and , remembering Fen 's earlier insinuations , she opted for a baggy T-shirt which , she hoped , made her figure as sexless as a boy 's , then went aloft , tense , wary , uncertain of her reception .
25 I 've never met you but I 've had to think about you a good deal during the past few weeks , mainly because my young daughter Jean has been unable to think of anything or anyone else !
26 It was as if she had said something and it had caused a click in his mind that brought down the shutters to keep her out .
27 I 'm afraid you 've stolen all my thunder , erm you 've said everything that I wanted to say .
28 She had whored him as he had whored so many .
29 He had alarmed her but she had stood up to him fearlessly and he knew it .
30 She had only seen him when she had climbed the wooden steps up to the promenade : he was out of sight of the kiosk , waiting across the road , almost hidden in the dark cave of an amusement arcade .
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