Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [adj] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They must have come out of a back entrance to the flats and they were intent on avoiding somebody , although I 'd seen nothing suspicious when I 'd cruised down Seymour Place .
2 Shh shh , she 's done nothing , she 's done nothing wrong and I 've assaulted her was the assault justified ?
3 ‘ I 've seen him asleep and I 've seen him waking up .
4 I have always made it clear that I take seriously any allegations of misbehaviour in any children 's home in Wales .
5 You must have bought me that and I dropped it .
6 You have made 'em red , you have made 'em redundant and you in , in you have and I hope you 've had nobody redundant because I 've I 'd be pleased to go out to those homes and say them come back and I would be pleased to go up to and say you 've got your figures wrong because you 're saying that nobody 's made redundant ooh well I I 'm so pleased .
7 I know I should have told you earlier but I reasoned that if I did you would n't want me along ; and you needed a guide .
8 When you asked how Tom and the children were , you must have thought it odd that I told you what Tom , and Alison and Cheryl were doing without really mentioning Peter .
9 ‘ At one time they 'd have thought it odd if I did n't have a girl in tow .
10 I just hope she 's got it right cos I 've explained it all to her and sh
11 So have you got anything new since I 've been away ?
12 Confound you , Theda , you have set me afire and I burn !
13 My doctor had arranged it all and I did n't want to do it .
14 Her husband , Prince George of Denmark , was a large , hard-drinking , notoriously dull ex-soldier , of whom Charles II had observed , ‘ I 've tried him drunk and I 've tried him sober but there 's nothing in him . ’
15 I 've tried 'em all and I know .
16 I 've only just got here , and I really have n't heard anything more than I told you .
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