Example sentences of "[det] [n mass] are [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that some people are already moving to higher and higher planes of the mind , and there is here an endless potential .
2 However , some people are more affected by nerves than others so be ready to take this into account and to give people a chance to rethink or rephrase an answer , especially if it seems out of keeping with previous answers or what you know about them from their c.v .
3 I think that perhaps some people are still looking for the Great White Hope , as they did in the days of John L. Sullivan , the first black World Heavyweight boxing champion .
4 We lost ours a long time ago , but some people are still clinging to it , as they would to a piece of wreckage , in the hope that it will remain afloat .
5 We have to escape from the time warp in which , unfortunately , some people are still caught after three election defeats in a row . ’
6 Suffice it to say that some people are better built at the beginning .
7 The chief executive in two is answerable these are monitored by the so that some staff are indeed paid in cash .
8 Yet the caterpillars of a few species are well protected from predators ; they are highly distasteful , possessing a coat of irritant hairs , while others bear spines and venom .
9 In contrast to contemporary society which denied social misfits and those deemed ‘ irreligious ’ their civil rights and spiritual privileges , such people are especially welcomed into the Reign of God .
10 Such people are now covered by the Occupiers ' Liability Act 1984 , s. 1(1) ( a ) and will be owed a duty of care under that Act .
11 However , it is fair to say that despite these distinctive efforts , and one reason why such people are now regarded as classical contributors , for most within the early social survey tradition the divide seemed unbridgeable or irrelevant .
12 Such works are normally used for the most unskilled tasks ; insofar as they receive any training , it is brief .
13 Such works are frequently forgotten in restaurant after their author has finished celebrating the award of his degree .
14 These statistics are well supported by local studies of rural areas demonstrating out-migration and urban studies showing an influx of peasants .
15 In spite of the vastly increased volume of traffic , fewer people are now killed on our roads than at any time since 1948 .
16 These people are already preparing for that .
17 These people are rarely honoured in their lifetime .
18 Such simple lovers are not so simple and their love can lead them to one of the profoundest insights of religion , for such love requires an abandonment of selfishness and egotism , and these people are far advanced on the spiritual roads .
19 These catfish are best kept on their own or with very hardy and robust Tilapia cichlids .
20 These works are seldom seen on the market , and Christie 's canvas , not blistered by bitumen as are a number of Bonnat 's works in this vein , was particularly fine .
21 However , a certain number of these works are obviously scattered around the world ’ .
22 These works are often engaged in relocating and reinterpreting Mannheim 's work on the sociology of knowledge after the assault it received from functionalist sociology and philosophy when it was first introduced into the English-speaking academic community .
23 In fact , many people are effectively tied to rural areas because of their own or their spouse 's occupation , and residential choice is not free as envisaged in the theoretical residential decision-making models .
24 However , during all those years of ‘ cut your carbohydrates ’ advice , which impressed itself so much on the British public that many people are still overwhelmed with guilt at the sight of a slice of bread or a potato , all high-carbohydrate foods were grouped together as culprits in causing this rebound hunger which led to excessive eating .
25 At present , however , many people are absolutely riveted by what is happening , or could happen , in this country at a such a crucial moment in world history .
26 Many people are precisely dispensing with Christianity because they can no longer believe in it .
27 Does my right hon. and learned Friend appreciate that many people are genuinely mystified by what appears to be the astonishing delays — in some cases of years — in dealing with issues of any sort relating to the activities of Mr. Fayed ?
28 Eutrophication of coastal waters is usually nitrate limited ( see Chapter 1 ) and many species are adversely affected by nitrate long before eutrophication runs its full course ( and thus the ‘ limiting factor ’ argument becomes significant ) .
29 Six months later , those people are still waiting for their redundancy payments .
30 One doctor said : ‘ There has not been a dramatic increase , but more people are definitely coming into casualty .
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