Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We would n't encourage anything which was risky , and some were a bit near the mark . ’
2 This was none of your mensa-a-table , this was a flash from the forbidden planet , and it was everywhere .
3 In England and the Dutch republic difficulties of this kind were particularly acute : one result of this was a tendency from the 1660s onwards to give influential figures in Dutch public life , as an inducement to accept a mission abroad , the highest diplomatic rank of ambassador extraordinary , even if the mission in question were a run-of-the-mill one .
4 But this was a problem for the future ; a more immediate problem was likely to arise because Britain was acquiring a new type of colony .
5 There is no doubt that this form of target language is unacceptable to English speakers , who might dismiss the interpreter or , more likely , assume that this was a function of the deaf person 's lack of knowledge of English ( and feel that the interpreter was doing a good job ) .
6 This was a function of the increasingly competitive international economy , and the crises which many stalwarts of British corporate life were facing .
7 This was a function of the domanial estate-structure ( sometimes known to English-speaking historians as the manorial system ) , that is of a central directly-farmed agricultural unit , having peasant-tenements grouped around it and owing labour-services on it , and more distant tenements associated with it owing other types of dues and services .
8 This was a return to the test of outrage , with all its faults , but it met little outrage in Standing Committee and fell only because of the dissolution of Parliament for the 1987 General Election .
9 In many respects this was a return to the position of the very last years of the fourth century ; the establishment of arian kingdoms on Gallic soil had removed from the catholic bishops sole authority over the definition of the Christian community , and it was only the conversion of Clovis and the expansion of the Frankish kingdom which gave the ecclesiastical hierarchy the authority once more to define the Christian life for all the members of the State .
10 This was a corollary to the Israeli insistence that the future of Jerusalem was non-negotiable — a principle rejected by the PLO and since March 1990 by the US administration [ see p. 37304 . ]
11 In part this was a reflection of the great strain on small financial resources which building , maintaining and perhaps in time enlarging workhouses imposed , but it also reflected the greater difficulty in an effective and controlled administration of out-relief in the more anonymous and densely populated towns .
12 The result of the tests was to illustrate that the failure of the right stabiliser on G-BEBP occurred because of an inherent inability of what was believed to be a fail-safe structure to carry the flight loads subsequent to the fracture of the rear spar top chord ( a primary load bearing structure ) ; this was a feature of the basic design and construction rather than some factor specific to G-BEBP .
13 This was a climax to the expedition for the participants .
14 This was a warning to the adventurous Arab in the desert , if you did force-land and you suddenly found you were his prisoner , and in several dialects of Arabic .
15 After working on a couple of local papers for a number of years , Tony and a number of colleagues launched a weekly newspaper , following this was a spell at the Santa Fe daily .
16 This was a reference to the document , the subject of these proceedings , the status of which was , on 26 August 1988 , still undecided .
17 This was a reference to the principle of reciprocity embodied in the Yalta Repatriation agreements which will be discussed in Chapter Five .
18 This was a reference to the Iranian demand for the return of a $1,000 million loan made by Iran to France in 1974 [ see p. 26755 ] .
19 This was a reference to the demonstrations staged by City 's success-starved supporters following the acrimonious dismissal of manager Peter Reid last month .
20 In the country it was the custom for the estate workers or tenants to act as both coffin- and pall-bearers , this was a necessity as the local builder often doubled up as undertaker and would not have had so many men at his command as the full-time town undertaker .
21 Owen knew from the title that this was a member of the Egyptian Royal Family but which of the Khedive 's numerous progeny it was escaped him for the moment .
22 This was a decision of the House of Lords 25 years before the pronouncement of Lord Diplock previously quoted , and no doubt has been cast upon it .
23 This was a part of the world where Greek culture and the Roman Church met and where there was a strong Saracen influence .
24 This was a part of the general movement of progressive societies towards replacing non-rational by reasoned arrangements , a movement which goes beyond politics .
25 For Study 4 the total number of films watched in the judgment phase was slightly reduced as was the mean length of a film in order to allow the full stimulus set to appear in the recognition phase , this effectively doubles the amount of information each subject gives in the recognition phase , fortunately this was a part of the experiment which previous subjects had generally found agreeably challenging and intrinsically motivating .
26 This was a reduction from the previous year 's record deficit of US$63,800,000 .
27 In a way this was a compromise between the people in Britain who wanted more sugar and the established planters in the West Indies who would find the additional competition of new sugar colonies entirely unwelcome .
28 This was a blow to the defenders of orthodoxy , who had to stand by while refugee children from Jewish urban areas were shunted off to largely Christian rural areas .
29 This was a possibility with the Travelling Workshops Experiment which published a number of learning packages in various subject disciplines that included a variety of guides to the literature and guides to individual reference tools .
30 One was the philosophic opposition of the Right-to-Life groups in this country ; and they said that this was a foot in the door , the first step down the road towards active and involuntary euthanasia , and we had that argument to counter and that group to deal with , and even after countering the argument , we still had the group to deal with .
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