Example sentences of "[det] [is] [vb pp] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each appears to be bound in a very pale and supple leather ( on inspection this is seen to be Human skin ) .
2 This is believed to be due to the complex organization of their centre-surround mechanisms .
3 This is believed to be harmless unlike the use of X-rays which could be damaging .
4 When Parliament creates a new crime , this is presumed to be subject to certain defences at common law , such as self-defence and duress , and also ( very frequently ) to the requirement of a state of mind ( intention , knowledge or recklessness ) .
5 A leaflet headed The Case for Charging Full Cost Fees , with the sub-heading Why this is felt to be necessary , has been dished out at the party political conferences .
6 The Council will also have to keep the curriculum under review and promote change where this is felt to be necessary .
7 An orthodox man is not allowed to hear a woman singing as this is felt to be seductive .
8 The administrator will have certain material to hand ; if this is felt to be inadequate he will search further .
9 In part , this is accomplished through being involved in the work teams with more experienced workers .
10 The efficacy of speed limits thus depends on drivers ' self-discipline , but this is known to be lax , particularly as modern cars are neither designed nor advertised to encourage low-speed driving .
11 This is known to be German fertiliser manufacturer Hermann Schnabel , whose consignment of fourteen paintings included the cover lot , ‘ La Loge ’ by Renoir .
12 It should also be remembered that s 19(l) ( a ) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 provides that where there is a covenant , condition or agreement against assigning , underletting , charging or parting with possession of the premises or any part thereof without licence or consent , this is deemed to be subject to a proviso to the effect that such licence or consent is not to be unreasonably withheld .
13 And this is meant to be hush-hush .
14 I always find much of interest in each issue as it reaches me and if I do criticise from time to time , this is meant to be constructive and helpful .
15 A casting session is then arranged and the location viewed if this is thought to be necessary .
16 Head Office can draw up a general set of specimen job descriptions for all posts , if this is thought to be helpful .
17 This is thought to be widespread , and is causing institutional investors , big holders of junk from the late 1980s , to complain that they are getting a raw deal .
18 And the most important properties of which this is held to be true are those which constitute our conception of individuals as autonomous agents .
19 Although this is claimed to be standard practice , Labour denounced the move last night as ‘ the most serious breach yet of the Tories ’ general election promises ’ .
20 The Universal Decimal Classification was devised with a very fine specification , and as such is found to be useful for technical libraries and for information retrieval .
21 The Regulation provides that a market share of 25% or less is presumed to be compatible with the Common Market .
22 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
23 The same is known to be true of the reel-to-reel tapes favoured by the older mainframe computers .
24 The offences do not require any endangerment at all : that is taken to be inherent in the carrying of firearms , since their potentialities are grave and the risk of accidents as well as deliberate use is well known .
25 In the general problem , however , it is only the background region I that is taken to be flat , and regions II and III , as well as IV , are curved .
26 I made it absolutely clear that , when we know precisely what happened in that case and can draw the lessons from it , we shall be willing to learn them and take note of the need for future action , if that is shown to be necessary .
27 That is shown to be wrong by yesterday 's announcement from British Telecom that the cost of calls is to be frozen , although phone rentals are rising .
28 But even if that is held to be culpable ignorance , it can not be assumed that if the voters did know of those plans or intentions they approved of them .
29 The farmer 's tied him to the fence to stop him butting the sheep and that 's deemed to be cruel .
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