Example sentences of "[det] [is] [adv] one [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But as you may know , ESP guitars are handmade in just one factory in Tokyo ; this is not one of those companies that farm out their work to whoever gives them the lowest quotation .
2 Fairly obviously , this is not one of those situations where this is an acceptable solution .
3 Though we need not go along all the way with this characteristically provocative view ( and even Keller found ‘ a few playable exceptions ’ ) , I confess to wondering whether this is not one of those issues motivated less by musical need than by the pious opportunism of which we saw so much in the bicentenary year .
4 In short , all depends upon the precise nature of the public interest sought to be protected and this is not one of those cases — unlike , for example , Reg. v. Governor of Brixton Prison , Ex parte Osman [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 281 — where the extent to which the documents have entered the public domain will critically affect the question whether immunity from further disclosure should be held to survive .
5 Furthermore , this is probably one of those cases where social psychoanalysis can succeed in telling us more about this primitive superego-structure than can the clinical analysis of modern individuals unaided by cultural insights .
6 He says this is just one of many similar incidents .
7 This is just one of those things . ’
8 This is also one of those cultures in which the relative absence of the latency period is alleged to disprove the Freudian theory of child development .
9 This is clearly one of those exercises of power that take place very subtly , but it is no less real for that .
10 The most notorious of these powerful informal alliances is the military industrial complex , but this is only one of many such groupings that a president must accommodate as he seeks to bring about policy change .
11 This is only one of many instances of the breadth of Marryat 's view , the sturdy wholeness of his reconstructions of life on men of-war and escort vessels at a crucial period of British naval history .
12 They say this is only one of several options .
13 This is only one of several tactics which has the incidental effect of squeezing the ‘ Mum and Dad ’ agencies .
14 Pride of place is given to the magnificent swimming complex with its outdoor and indoor pools ; but this is only one of several pools for the keen swimmer there is an extensive open-air heated lido ( July–September , earlier in particularly fine summers ! ) , the Seefeld lake and many hotels have their own indoor or outdoor pools too .
15 As we shall see in section 5.2 , this is only one of several curious features we come across when we try to think of the discount market in conventional terms .
16 This is perhaps one of those rare occasions where I almost agree with Mr Cunnane .
17 That is just one of many anomalies in what will be a long list in Committee .
18 That is only one of many potential applications .
19 But , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ that is only one of many legends , and people have always talked of a great and mighty ruler who will appear from the ranks of the ordinary people and lead Ireland to greatness . ’
20 That 's just one of those things at London .
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