Example sentences of "[det] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the buyer indicates that he will nevertheless accept delivery in spite of the breach of condition , that may well amount to waiver ( see Rickards v. Oppenheim , paragraph 7–05 above ) .
2 ‘ If she comes back , unharmed , unchanged , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ this may yet pass without harm or disgrace to any .
3 Something approaching this may yet emerge through Action for Governors ' Information and Training — a co-ordinating agency based in Coventry .
4 This may also happen in reverse .
5 As a result , the inflamed duodenal mucosa may then become susceptible to acid and this may ultimately lead to ulceration .
6 This may only cease on withdrawal of the drug .
7 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
8 ( 3 ) On the other hand , if the buyer says nothing about his future intentions this may merely serve to fuel rumours that a full bid is to be expected .
9 A big house like this should really hum with life .
10 You 're feeling decidedly neurotic and this might well lead to frustration where the fur may fly .
11 Although this might sometimes occur in discourse , and van Dijk 's own data reveal the complexity of racial discourse , it can not be the full story .
12 This could also contribute to retention validation .
13 The trading employees in India were not paid salaries in the modern sense of income they could live on ; they got small retainers , starting at perhaps £5 a year , and it was taken for granted that they would supplement their retainers by trading , sometimes acting as agents buying the goods that would eventually be exported by the Company ( though this could easily lead to fraud ) , but more often dealing for their own account .
14 Mr Wardle said this could easily happen with ketamine , which was ‘ very much in its infancy ’ .
15 The intention was that the College should benefit the economy , but this could only happen as science replaced practice , and as those with a real knowledge and love of chemistry began to apply it .
16 The lower status of their own customs could then well lead to a general loss of interest in the arts and this could gradually spread throughout society .
17 If we do n't express the things that worry us our body language will almost certainly give us away , and to the other person this could certainly look like standoffishness or coldness .
18 And in many abolitionist minds this would ultimately lead to emancipation ; slaves would not only gradually become more able to live in freedom but better conditions would so enhance the population of labourers in the West Indies that it would be cheaper to employ workers on a waged basis than as slaves .
19 This same Report said that the majority of submissions to it complained that resources were spread too thinly , but if grants were to be concentrated in fewer centres , this would doubtless lead to criticism in the other direction , and could force closure of some departments which fail to attract sufficient grants .
20 Speaker 1 could then accommodate by using that variant back to speaker 2 : though this would only appear as convergence where speaker 1 would " normally " use that variant less than speaker 2 .
21 If you do not know the pitch/attitude/power requirements there will be no time to experiment , especially in turbulence , and this will probably result in failure to make visual contact with the airfield .
22 Presumably , this will also apply by analogy to other supply scenarios , even though the major statutes regulating the supply of goods ( SOGIT 1973 , CCA 1974 , SGSA 1982 , and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 ) are entirely silent on the matter .
23 Do not use alcohol as a means of getting to sleep , this will simply lead to alcohol dependence and there is evidence that alcohol has a detrimental affect on the quality of your sleep .
24 Ride along with it as philosophically as you can , and try not to take your own hurt feelings or sense of irritation out on your mother-in-law , as this will only lead to unhappiness for you all .
25 So this will only come into operation as soon as , erm , it 's completely stopped .
26 The current guidelines do not cover these matters and this will obviously vary from project to project .
27 The arm swing which pulls the club into the hitting area becomes the release action , the transition point being at about ten o'clock with the club shaft position , although this will obviously vary from player to player .
28 This can also result in investment of considerable social work resources and therapeutic effort with inconclusive outcomes ( Mattinson and Sinclair , 1979 ; Sainsbury et al . ,
29 Antique or handpainted china Colours are not usually permanently fired and may fade , but this can also happen with hand washing .
30 The hair rig has been a great leveller of angling ability and because on most waters it is self-hooking this can often lead to complacency on the angler 's part .
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