Example sentences of "[det] [subord] it have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 The centre of the village is still much as it has always been , with an attractive pond , complete with swans , surrounded by the school , chapel and public house ( named appropriately the Swan and Cygnet ) .
2 Part of it was my upbringing , of course , but I could easily have had a violent reaction away from that if it had n't been for the inhibiting atmosphere in the company itself .
3 There would n't have been an Opera House at all if it had n't been for Joseph F Warden , the actor manager who settled in Belfast in 1864 with his actress wife Jenny Bellair .
4 She would n't have sought her independence at all if it had n't been at such .
5 It would have made no difference at all if it had not been received until 11 .
6 More than it 's ever been
7 It was wonderful to find the rapport was the same as it had ever been .
8 It annoyed her that , despite everything that had been said and done between them , and which obviously had meant absolutely nothing to him , since his attitude towards her was the same as it had ever been , she still found it difficult to control her emotions in his presence .
9 It was not just a reason to indulge in nostalgia ; though the tradition was basically the same as it had always been , except that in the past the people had walked further in the processions .
10 ‘ Better than what ? ’ she asked innocently , thinking that two could play at that game of acting as though everything were the same as it had always been .
11 The same as it has always been .
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