Example sentences of "[det] [subord] a [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Hydrogen you can think of very much as a fuel in the manner of north sea gas and it 's got a high calorific value , it burns well and , despite rumours , it 's actually a very safe fuel as well .
2 It all became too much as a woman in the crowd shouted : ‘ We love you , Di . ’
3 And the Kaiser did everything he could to ensure that his son should be no more than a figurehead in the army given under his command .
4 It was hardly more than a flicker in the eyes , but suddenly Ruth felt she glimpsed Adam again , her own brother , looking out at her desperately .
5 In the South Western Board , for example , it was decided to centralise accounting functions , reducing billing costs by more than a quarter in the first eighteen months , and there were further economies subsequently through mechanisation and centralisation on their Plymouth accounting office .
6 Moreover , despite the conservatism in design , the capital cost per MW of generating stations did decline in real terms , by more than a quarter in the period affected by the BEA 's decisions in its first five years , a decline almost as rapid as that achieved later .
7 Henceforth the local , stable community where relationships were both personal and persistent became no more than a rarity in the modern world .
8 In the middle of combat , one is little more than a wave in the sea … a stroke of the brush lost in the painting …
9 Liebknecht 's attempt to hold an anti-war rally in the Potsdamer Platz on May 1st , 1916 , was not yet anything more than a flash in the pan .
10 Against this background the terms of settlement of the 1911 strike indicated no more than a truce in the battle for the control of the supply of labour in the industry .
11 For her , their lovemaking might have been an almost mystical fusing of bodies and identities , yet for him it had been no more than a roll in the hay .
12 She likes it here but that place she 's got is no more than a hole in the wall .
13 A call of nature interrupted my pleasure and I went out to the necessary house behind the tavern , nothing more than a hole in the ground enclosed by a shabby wooden palisade and a door which bolted from the inside .
14 If you guys really want to be anything more than a footnote in the annals of British history get this — ‘ Egalitarianism is for Losers ’ .
15 But , thanks to a combination of high interest rates on traditional deposit accounts over much of this period , coupled to a distinct lack of publicity for SAYE , it has been relegated to little more than a footnote in the long list of savings options .
16 To Rumi the tears are far more than a guide in the spiritual quest ; they are the very water of life .
17 The thought was scarcely born before James Lambert himself appeared , hardly more than a shadow in the dusk , but unmistakable as he walked past the pile of kegs .
18 The initial , almost instantaneous , elongation produced by the application of the tensile stress is inversely proportional to the rigidity or modulus of the material , i.e. an elastomer with a low modulus stretches considerably more than a material in the glassy state with a high modulus .
19 Cunliffe admitted that his knowledge of Germany was inadequate and that his figure was ‘ little more than a shot in the dark as he had been pressed to arrive at it between a Saturday and a Monday ’ .
20 But the community care reforms imply more than a shift in the location of care .
21 Anyway , why put a new straitjacket around the economy until recovery is more than a twinkle in the market 's eye ?
22 [ music ] But as this music fades into the Interlude the E/F figure is suddenly no more than a detail in the seascape , a gull 's cry perhaps or a slight turbulence on the water [ 3 ] .
23 ‘ Today , ’ Manescu responded , and closed his lips in a tight line which was little more than a gash in the brown hawk-like face .
24 ‘ Broad-band cable means much more than an increase in the number of TV channels , ’ he said .
25 ‘ Out , ’ said Edwards with a nerve sharpened by cold and more than an hour in the company of Mrs Kathy Grogan .
26 Nigel Kennedy 's been known to spend more than an hour in the shop after a game , on one visit he spent four hundred pounds .
27 This principle was carried further by the House of Lords ' decision in Williams and Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 408 , which found that a wife who made a financial contribution to the purchase of a house acquires more than an interest in the proceeds of sale : she acquires an interest in the land itself , which can take effect as an overriding interest , in the case of registered land , under the Land Registration Act 1925 , s70(1) ( g ) .
28 Zuwaya found that those elements in their image which depended on solidarity among kinsmen — on the massing of cousins , on the exclusion of women — had rather more than an echo in the words of their head of state .
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