Example sentences of "[det] [subord] he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the first place , in a style in which one of the fundamental problems had always been the reconciliation of solid form with the picture plane , the letters written or stencilled across the surface are the most conclusive way of emphasizing its two-dimensional character ; Braque has stressed this when he said of the letters : ‘ they were forms which could not be distorted because , being quite flat , the letters existed outside space and their presence in the painting , by contrast , enabled one to distinguish between objects situated in space and those outside it . ’
2 Stevenson knew this when he spoke of the ‘ subarctic sunsets , with the profile of the city stamped in indigo upon a sky of luminous green ’ .
3 He went silent and dark and withdrew into himself , the two thumbs rotating about one another as he sat in the car chair by the fire .
4 If Chris Patten lies to the people of Hong Kong as much as he lied to the people of Britain , then God help them when the Chinese take over .
5 A word of warning : please consult your vet as to exactly what quantity of Eukanuba you should give your Rottweiler each day — it is very easy to put ON weight with Eukanuba if you are n't careful — and the instructions on the bag do suggest you allow your dog to take as much as he wished during the 24-hour period .
6 Now we could ask him to write about what he has drawn , to tell as much as he knows about the trains that run at the back of his house .
7 ‘ Hauptsturmführer Vaughan will remain and test-fly the plane now and as much as he wants for the rest of the day .
8 Wickham had said as much when he spoke on the telephone to Ray Darby , the documents expert , telling him the file was on its way to him .
9 He did n't belong in gardens , any more than he belonged in the company of two small children .
10 Lou never even looked , on Tuesday and Friday nights , any more than he looked at the instrument he played .
11 By the time my father could sit down with me in a pub , slightly drunk , tell me and my friends about Real Life , crack a joke about a Pakistani that silenced a whole table once , and talk about the farm labourer 's — his grandfather 's — journey up from Eye in Suffolk working on the building of the Great North Western Railway to Rawtenstall on the Lancashire-Yorkshire border , I was doing history at Sussex , and knew more than he did about the date and timing of journeys like that .
12 He did not do himself justice in 1991 , never getting his timing right in his early-season preparations any more than he did on the golf course .
13 She loved this man and she knew more than he did at the moment .
14 ‘ I could have made a real mess of that hole , but I took a calculated gamble and it paid off , ’ added Faldo , who walked off the green with a bogey four — one shot less than he registered in the first round .
15 His troubles in 1971 , however , were not just the March and his propensity for accidents : the fact was that he was now an experienced F3 driver , known to be quick , but by the nature of the formula was racing against a lot of people who were just beginners and knew far less than he did about the sport .
16 I wan na do all of them on me own so he phoned for the doctor to be quick , quick , quick , said Miss Polly put her straight to bed he wrote on a paper for a pill , pill , pill
17 Her attacker got a 2 month suspended sentence ; the same as he got for the original theft .
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