Example sentences of "[det] [num] [noun] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I know that fifty pee that I owe you I have n't forgotten about it .
2 and I 've only just started , still got two people outstanding so I 've got that forty pound and I put that into the building society and use that forty pounds for months see so it kind of like saved it for me , I 've managed , had to do without it
3 The staffing reports currently being submitted to Council incorporate a Community Charge residual team of some 70 staff and I understand that it is unlikely there will be space for this number within Chesser House for some time .
4 ‘ Is that a promise , Chris , or will I have to wait another six months before I bump into you — literally ? ’
5 right , that 's it , you 've , you 've told me this three times and I 've told you several times as well , the , the Russians put everything they 've got into military technology , just because , just because their kids are still running around
6 It took me an hour to zig-zag down that pesky Alp , and it will be at least another 17 years before I go up a mountain for anything other than rösti or a yodel .
7 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
8 I tell myself that I will let myself lie in bed for another five minutes though I stipulate that I am not allowed to go back to sleep and that I have to count out the five-minutes in my head .
9 Another twelve days till I get my canoe .
10 I have another two weeks before I have to get back and … ’ wistfully ‘ …
11 ‘ You 're remaining in that bed for at least another twenty-four hours if I have to tie you to it . ’
12 I have covered the whole year , but because January is in your shops , February already subscribed , March imminent and April only recently covered in my monthly column ( 11th December ) , I have not been as detailed with these four months as I have with the rest of the year .
13 Talking of which , I 'd better look into these two queries before I do anything else . ’
14 Despite their manifest differences , all five views that I have just sketched out are united in that none of them hangs or falls on the notion of critical abilities .
15 Erm , well I I could n't speak for the latter two programmes cos I do n't know enough about the arrangements there but I have got a a fair amount of knowledge on both tornado and Eurofighter .
16 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
17 ‘ On my own two feet if I have to , but I do n't think that will be necessary .
18 I can handle at most five colours and I recognise that I am no colourist . ’
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