Example sentences of "[det] [pers pn] can [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If you think about this you can think of a kite as two isosceles triangles glued together .
2 This they can do through a stockbroker , who will sell them via the stock market to people who want to buy such bonds .
3 There 's only so much you can do with a Super B , ’ he shrugged .
4 I mean , there 's not much we can do with a two-minute video ’
5 I mean , there 's not much we can do with a two-minute video . ’
6 Some of these stemless forms developed grappling hooks at the base of the calyx — with these they can attach in a favourable site , and move when conditions become adverse .
7 After that we can go to a hotel and so on , but I think I should see him . ’
8 After that we can apply for a licence and hope they let us ‘ go legal ’ . ’
9 For really top class Joplin you need pay only a little more for a selection from Dick Hyman 's complete survey mentioned above , but at less than a fiver , Arpin 's disc will do very nicely for a representative sample of Joplin — which is really all I can take in a single sitting !
10 A woman with big beautiful hands who smokes too much writes down my name and what she needs to know and what I need to tell , and another worker goes through the same routine with a serene and rather silent woman in her early thirties , with three children and two plastic bags containing toys and toiletries — the mark of a mother on the run , all you can grab in a quick getaway .
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