Example sentences of "[det] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 At times like that I could not care a toss for JTR and wondered why the hell I was in such a situation .
2 ‘ I am very proud of what the film has said — and by saying this I could possibly lose a lot of work from the people who make glamorous war films , ’ he admitted .
3 You see the the inlet pipes and the outlets and this you ca n't see a thing of this , you ought to go and have a look at this place sometime .
4 On March 1st a French listening post overheard a German remark on the telephone : ‘ if it goes on like this we sha n't have a man left after the war ’ .
5 Ponyboy feels he should become tough to fit in with his friends , but soon realises that by doing this he would never achieve a better life .
6 It 's too much , if you ever have too much you can just fold a bit down , if you have a big bandage you can fold either of those edges down first if you 've got too much and then you fold it forward and back , now your pin sticks in , but all the material and out of all the material and it goes in a straight upward direction , again it must go in that direction so that if per chance it comes undone it falls out and drops on the floor , whereas if it was sideways or downwards it would open and stick in your casualty , so that 's why we have it done that way .
7 When you 're doing that you can actually spend a lot of time on pictures .
8 After all he will still have a good pension to fall back on .
9 So he puts it on the table and tries to squash it into shape , and by the time he 's got his mouth full of that he ca n't make a sound .
10 ( It was a driver and it 's now mounted in Lyle Towers because after that he could n't hit a fairway with it ! )
11 Some of the decisions clearly are easier at than others because we get a certain concensus on the easy ones , while we 've gone to some of the more difficult ones to exemplify behind the changes that need to come about that it will not have a direct impact on schools and their school budgets and the children , but will promote the services we 've always done .
12 By doing that it will then create a situation for you to kill the ball .
13 I think the chicken was about the same I would n't run a business like it I tell you that much .
14 that was a good idea if you can borrow next door 's dustbin your own you 'd narf get a lot of leaves up
15 If we analyze lots of water samples taken at different depths at the same we can then plot a graph of concentration versus depth and get a profile that looks something like this .
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