Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] he [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
2 Within a few months he produced an order from Littlewoods to produce the store 's quarterly catalogue , bringing in £478,000 of business .
3 A caricaturist look at a face and extracts the significant features so that with a few lines he creates a likeness .
4 By eschewing such girls he avoided a lot of foreign in-laws and chatter in disparate tongues , and the misunderstandings that are inevitably worsened by not quite speaking the same language .
5 These days he liked a woman who knew how to do it .
6 To support these managers he established a marketing department , improved the financial system and introduced business planning for the first time to AEA .
7 From these memories he developed a theory that there were three main stages in a child 's development .
8 Where a person continues to act as a solicitor having failed to comply with these requirements he commits an offence under s20 of the Solicitors Act .
9 He 's only a so-so golfer , but today of all days he gets a hole in one !
10 I became so worried that we went to our G.P. and after several visits he suggested an allergy to cows milk : so we tried a milk free diet ( its harder than you think once you start looking at contents labels ) .
11 Over several decades he brought a level of energy , commitment and enthusiasm to athletics which helped transform the sport into its modern form .
12 For several years he drew a salary as distributor of stamps in Ireland , but it seems unlikely that he was one of the Irish Brookes .
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