Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] is [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Since a process of individual wage reductions in such circumstances is bound to be ragged and discontinuous , it will be hedged about with uncertainty and apprehension .
2 Pollution in such places is claimed to be ten times worse than in the West and the tonnage of sulphur dioxide said to fall every year on the average square kilometre sounds like the equivalent of a heavy snowfall .
3 Where employers have not yet applied SSAP 24 to post-retirement benefits other than pensions , the abstract prescribes disclosures to be included in their financial statements relating to accounting periods ending on or after 23 December 1992 , where the cost of meeting such benefits is expected to be material .
4 As the temperature fluctuations appear the same on all scales , the spectral index on these scales is constrained to be ( ref. 9 ) , and we shall discuss only the asymptotically scale-invariant form , originally introduced to explain galaxy clustering , and later shown to be a consequence of inflationary models .
5 A word on these computers is defined to be a set of four consecutive bytes ( 32 bits ) , and is specified by the store address of its left-hand byte .
6 The management of these relationships is expected to be an important determinant of success in the use of new technology by customer firms and should provide a route for product innovations by suppliers .
7 Finding engineers able to master all these areas is going to be difficult .
8 Having found water , which in these circumstances is bound to be tainted with sand , the elephant uses its trunk as a filtering device , swinging the tip until all the sand is thrown out and only the water is left .
9 ‘ If you do n't leave the flight deck at least one of these horses is going to be joining you on it . ’
10 Ford Q1 is a total quality commitment and in many ways is felt to be more difficult to achieve than BS 5750/ISO 9000 .
11 Until we can organise our economy properly and bring the general level of unemployment down , progress in those directions is bound to be slow .
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