Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] it [be] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 After a heart-stopping few minutes it was realized that it could be just squeezed through with about three-quarters of an inch to spare .
2 In general the quality of discussion and level of participation were highly praised but in some cases it was thought that staff , who were unfamiliar with validation , were unsure of their role in the event .
3 It was commonly held that the first lord to whom he had sworn fealty had the first call on his service ; but in some cases it was held that the richest fief gave the vassal his strongest obligation ; or again , that it depended on the circumstances , on which lord had the greatest need — a lord must be helped if he was fighting in self-defence , but his claim was less if he was fighting in someone else 's defence ; or the vassal might be expected to fight on both sides , that is to say , to provide troops for both armies .
4 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
5 In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply .
6 In some areas it was reported that large numbers of troops had ben deployed to restore order .
7 The opinions of staff and governors were sought and although there were some reservations it was decided that a questionnaire should be distributed to parents .
8 In some quarters it was suggested that the best solution would be to set up a government of ‘ national trustees ’ , headed by McKenna , who had deserted politics for banking and had not sat in ; Parliament since 1918 .
9 Nonetheless it remains true that the most common explanation of large numbers of unrecovered hoards is warfare , though in some instances it is believed that economic factors also played a part ; in the latter cases a currency or political reform is thought to have rendered the coins worthless and hence the owners would not have bothered to recover them .
10 In both these cases it was held that the alternative of a manslaughter verdict ought to be left to the jury where the occasion justifies action in self-defence , or to prevent a crime , or to apprehend an offender , but where the defendant acts beyond the necessity of that occasion .
11 For these reasons it is suggested that in tackling the problem , good monitoring arrangements should be coupled with an early involvement of school and parents .
12 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
13 From these relationships it was established that total leakages ( T + S + M ) must equal total injections ( G + I + X ) .
14 In an action to recover these fees it was held that the registrar of the cemetery had no right to demand fees for recutting and repainting but that there being no suggestion that any unpleasant result would follow from non-payment the plaintiff must be taken to have paid voluntarily .
15 In order to meet these requirements it is expected that the programme will include both theoretical and practical components .
16 Based on these findings it is postulated that hyperglycaemia affects gall bladder motility , at least in part , through inhibition of cholinergic activity .
17 But in these papers it is stated that Tyndale headed his written defence , ‘ Faith alone justifies before God ’ , and that among the questions debated were worship of saints , the Sacraments and the authority of the Pope .
18 In all cases it is suggested that the parties must consider whether or not to have strict time limits and ensure that their intention is clearly expressed .
19 For many years it was accepted that two-tone fish ( it occurs with other species , but rarely ) are the result of winter hibernation , the dark portion of the fish being the part that is buried in bottom mud .
20 Considerable attention has been focused on the distinction between causing grievous bodily harm ( section 18 ) and inflicting grievous bodily harm ( section 20 ) : for many years it was believed that the more restrictive word ‘ inflict ’ meant that section 20 required proof of a sufficiently direct action by D to constitute an assault , but the House of Lords has now decided that there can be an ‘ infliction ’ of GBH without proof of an assault .
21 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
22 For many years it was thought that the wreck was a Spitfire , but after delving through archives at the RAF Museum along with information gleaned from various specialist publications , it was discovered that the aircraft was a Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk flown by a Canadian pilot , Harold Fraser-English of 400 Squadron , operating out of Weston Zoyland .
23 For many years it was thought that in the absence of express provision in the original constitution the continued equality of all shares was a fundamental condition which could not be abrogated by an alteration of the articles so as to allow the issue of shares preferential to those already issued .
24 For many years it was considered that tea-bags were filled only with tea dust , the fine residue left after the sorting and packaging of tea , and that the drink obtained by using bags was therefore of very inferior quality .
25 For many years it was supposed that nothing should be revealed about the bargainer 's intentions .
26 In many quarters it is asserted that the Unionist Press are treated with greater courtesy by the Radicals than by their own side . "
27 So Dawn Run came to Cheltenham on Gold Cup day with only four races over fences behind her , and in many quarters it was felt that inexperience would prove her downfall against her much more seasoned rivals .
28 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
29 Some articles , however , are misleading : for instance , in several places it is indicated that continental material has not been recycled into the mantle .
30 4 ) In several places it was felt that the paper provided further evidence of the gap that exists between how we perceive things and how our constituents see them who , for the most part see themselves as the ‘ money raisers ’ — a role they also fulfil for several other organisations as well .
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