Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] to [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These points will , I hope , give you some guidelines to judging the temperament of a strange horse , whether you are looking for a suitable horse to buy , or deciding which way to handle a particular animal .
2 Clearly there are few barriers to filling the site 's personal computer with survey data , but what can be done with it ?
3 However , Podhajsky 's book is very much concerned with technique , and his few references to understanding the mind of the horse — such as the importance of not hurting or frightening a young horse , and the value of using the horse 's herd instinct during its initial training — are virtually swamped by details of the art of correct riding .
4 The overriding message that emerges from the survey is that accountants in industry share to a considerable degree the City 's view ( as exemplified by the Institutional Shareholders ' Committee ) that reporting companies need to devote more efforts to improving the information provided on the nature of R&D expenditure and , in particular , its contribution to performance .
5 Kawawa 's intervention succeeded in rallying most backbenchers to supporting the measure , and the Bill was passed .
6 The greater the thought and attention given by both parties to developing the completion account rules , the less likely that the parties will be unable to agree the actual completion accounts .
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