Example sentences of "[det] [coord] [verb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 ( It would be advisable to make a copy of this and keep it in the ‘ Record of Achievement ’ as insurance against loss of the original . )
2 The parson there , the chapel parson , he went there ; and it just lifted the roof off the chapel like that and killed him in the pulpit , blew in the wall .
3 They quickly saw that and had me in the theatre the next day .
4 Get them all and meet me in the Operations Room .
5 mm , I shall er get the other lot in and do that , do that first thing in the morning , get every thing cleared up , and then if you give me your pull overs , I can hand wash those and put them in the spin drier so you 'd better sort them out do you think you 'd of put some tassels in that pelmet ? , you know where the I 've got some spare one 's no , do n't you remember I went into and he gave me a piece of the trimming and I can take the tassels off
6 Oh better take that biscuit tin away before they eat the lot , got that lid , get that and put , have one more and get it in the kitchen Charlotte
7 ‘ There , ’ he said , claiming her achievement as his own and inflating it in the process .
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