Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [coord] we [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if you 'd care to wander up for a few minutes and we could perhaps move this matter of Gray on a bit ?
2 There are a number of general theories that are concerned with such issues and we shall briefly investigate these before moving on to an examination of power within organisations .
3 ‘ There is no real benefit to Scotland in these figures and we will never be able to fund our health and education services properly until we have an independent government . ’
4 Six months ago six major E C Health and Safety Directives came into effect covering workplace safety , machinery , protective equipment , manual handling , work with computers and word processors , they 've built on a framework directive giving workers new rights to consultation and the right to stop the job and the union has been watching the government and the H S E and me as well , in their attempts to water down the requirements of these directives and we might well lodge a formal complaint with Brussels that could land the Tories in Europe 's Court of Justice .
5 Well , if he lived in the north- east , er part of this county , that great ar area where there is very little in terms of infrastructure perhaps er er it 's a pity we ca n't have a few more hysterics and we would perhaps get further down the road .
6 We may conceive several alternatives but we can only act on one of them .
7 There is a complex interrelation of both systems and we can again distinguish different countries in which this dual function of law plays a greater or lesser role : the UK for example , without a written constitution , without a constitutional court , without a long tradition of legal science but with a multitude of extra-legal institutions and ideologies does not rely on legal ideology to the same extent as other countries , for example , West Germany and the USA .
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