Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [be] [adj] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is pointed out that whilst derivative instruments can be used for the management of investment risk , some investments are unsuitable for many investors .
2 ( iii ) The addition of non-standard do-it-yourself devices can obviously provide a wide range of spectacular additional facilities , but ( except in the unlikely event of the program designers and programmers being in a position to market the additional hardware device with the program ) the use of such devices is impractical for any program intended for use in a range of establishments .
3 Enterprise Training is also proving its worth in helping more trainees than ever to find work placements and is committing additional resources to ensure that in the future such placements are available for all trainees .
4 While such thoughts were inevitable for those who knew Lewis before the great change came upon his life , it was not quite right to speak of ‘ pastiche ’ .
5 These effects are mild for some sufferers , severe for others with comparable hearing losses .
6 These rates are payable for any new members joining the Society from September on — thus giving three free months .
7 But the VAT impact on these charges are different for each that is made .
8 Consequently world trade was encouraged since all currencies were exchangeable for each other and for gold at stable rates of exchange .
9 Check the subfloor ( is it solid concrete or suspended wood ? ) before you make your choice , as not all coverings are suitable for all subfloors .
10 Many advisers were desperate for more space : the bureau general office being too crowded with administrative workers who should have their own area ; they wanted easy access to the information system without too much clutter ; some suggested that the telephone adviser should be in a separate area and a separate receptionist area be allocated , and a coffee machine be available for clients .
11 Then he fell ill and for several months was unfit for any work : the cost of medicines , the increase in debts , his feebleness when , too early , he returned to work , combined to make him look , a man in the stable-yard had said , ‘ like a living skeletal ’ .
12 We may not possess the same mind structure , the same subtle energy anatomy and function , but enough similarities are present for some sort of meaning to be conveyed .
13 Furthermore most workers are understretched for much of their working lives and have spare capacity on which to call at later ages .
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