Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 Mind you it was only their wages are only comparable to say some wages that they get in nuclear power station .
2 This claim might not unreasonably be held to cover such examples as we see in the following subject phrases : ( 15 ) the bicycles damaged all had red handlebars the line defective is the one to the outside a dose strong enough would put him out all night In all these cases , prenominal position would also be acceptable and appears to give the same cognitive meaning for the sentence as a whole , hence encouraging us to accept a solution to the first question , above , in terms of " emphasis " or " focus " .
3 There is intrinsic interest in these skills and they exemplify in different ways a family that includes speech production and certain industrial activities .
4 Cooperative activity is central to effective community work and it is therefore to these matters that we turn in concluding this chapter .
5 It is to these questions that we turn in the next section .
6 I 've taken on all these issues because I believe in them and because someone has to do them .
7 I 've taken on all these issues because I believe in them and someone has to do them .
8 So even if they are inadvertently or wilfully slipping down a couple of hundred more calories than they intend in the course of a day , they might still find themselves clocking up a decent weight loss on the scales each week .
9 ‘ When a black kid does see a black athlete , such as myself , a role model if you like , that might be enough to spark a little interest and I thank that the more blacks that you see in tennis , it will promote black tennis further . ’
10 What will basically happen is we would organize the clearance of footpaths within Southwell boundary , and so they would give us an amount of money each year and then we would er take on , we would nominate which footpaths are to be cleared , we have got far more ideas than they have in Nottingham need attention .
11 that both Gethwyn and Russell sorted out er who up on on those extremes that you get in a group that , that maybe feel they re that they really have nothing to , hardly anything to do with us they 've do n't receive ministry and why should that be , and after be asked each year , has to go up ?
12 The direction in which the discussion of literature in the Introduction to the Man of Law 's Tale points , however , is towards a comparison of Chaucer 's writing with that of his contemporary John Gower rather than towards the survey of literary genres detached from the accidental circumstances of the identity of authors of specific examples of those genres that we find in fragment VII .
13 Ground beetles — normally fierce predators — often bed down with the same insects that they hunt in warmer seasons .
14 It may be an idea to check out any varieties that you fancy in a reputable book — some are hard to grow and need lots of light ; other plants are still being sold that are really bog plants and should not be grown submerged .
15 And any changes that we agree in that meeting , can we then re-issue those procedures immediately after the meeting , or as soon as possible after ?
16 Do not forget the significance of any shares that you hold in the company or any rights that you have under a share incentive scheme .
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