Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By 1736 the population of the town of Sheffield stood at 10,121 , which was about three and a half times higher than it had been a couple of generations earlier in 1672 .
2 The Bank of Scotland had frozen the overdraft of Monktonhall Mineworkers Ltd some weeks ago when it emerged that debts of about £1.7 million had accrued .
3 She 'd got thing in her in her er yeah what 's what it is up she damaged it ooh some years ago and it 's been a bit weak since like , you know but sh it was only a few weeks ago we got some computer big computer , with big discs and she twisted her hand in in pulling one out , you know it 's I do n't how , the fell or something and she went to cash it or whatever and of course we 're riding the motorbike for the like you have to change gear it 's only a small seater , your bike 's open
4 He was joined by Peter Sheppard a few years later when it became apparent that so much information was potentially available from flight recorders that it needed another man to help interpret all the data .
5 Gene Nocon introduced me to the technique of pre-flash a few years ago and it altered the way I approach printing .
6 Gene Nocon introduced me to the technique of pre-flash a few years ago and it altered the way I approach printing .
7 The NUR had an unfortunate experience , apparently , a few years back when it made an unwise sponsorship .
8 There 's a number in the er when I was Church Street so that 's a few years now so it needs to be checked .
9 I 've had this shrub for a few years now but it has been a bit reluctant to bloom .
10 A few weeks later when it came to the 1985 Budget , Nigel set himself the same goal .
11 She , Madeleine , would have to buy some clothes there once it opened .
12 It was only a few miles away but it seemed unimaginably distant .
13 Y I mean local Manchester Evening News issues that they put out in they put out where where we live in Kearsley , there 's a lot of people in Kearsley buy the Manchester And er we 've got to feed the candidate with all these things so that it gets into the into the Your local newspaper , the local free paper goes out in every area , you must get the name in as from tomorrow .
14 The aim is to keep the boat flat at all times so that it glides cleanly over the water .
15 Well , er , I became er , unhappy with the communist party many years ago because it did n't follow the philosophical teaching on which works , the erm , erm , dialectical materialism .
16 I 've also still got my old Gibson Melody Maker ; I put humbuckers in it many years ago and it 's got a really warm , big sound .
17 You could use a chronic adulter to actually write it a bit easier but er I did n't know about that when I wrote these slides many many years ago and it 's carried on since .
18 Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists .
19 Er we have n't spent a lot of time talking about some of those things today but it 's all been done .
20 because there must be some give and take in the deal and the Purchaser would probably proceed on the same terms even if it knew of a few minor breaches — the Purchaser should not be able to bring a claim after completion for those kinds of problems ;
21 It it seems to me we 've spent about an hour and ten minutes or so almost shadow boxing over this particular policy erm and we we keep running into well running both matters together and it seems right and proper that we should do that .
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