Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Inside , a slippery walk soon leads to a stream flowing across the line of approach : this , followed to the left , vanishes under a wall of rock , but a few paces upstream bring as a reward a vision of beauty .
2 The majority of hostels now offer family accommodation and all provide excellent , free , self-catering facilities , though breakfast ( £2.30 ) , packed lunch ( £1.95 ) , and evening meal ( from £3.50 ) are widely available and some hostels even run to a wine list .
3 And whatever may have been socially expected of them , some grandfathers evidently helped in a similar way .
4 Some things never change at a Labour conference .
5 A few writers still speak of a permanent discontinuity between the biological sciences and the social sciences , grounded in epistemology ( Eccles , 1980 ) or at least forced by a fundamental difference in goals ( Hampshire , 1978 ) .
6 Allen cast around and within a few yards further came upon a man-made path , narrow and winding , but in frequent use .
7 He strummed for a few seconds then broke into a sweet-sounding madrigal known to both my master and myself .
8 Some systems still rely on a batch pagination method while others , like Interleaf , do the whole thing on the fly .
9 Some schemes deliberately opt for a non-expressive notation .
10 Some theses clearly belong in a clearly defined sub-discipline , but in other cases , distinctions are blurred , and assignment to one or other category may be arbitrary .
11 ‘ We dined this day , ’ writes Johnson , ‘ at the house of Mr Frazer of Streichton , who shewed us in his grounds some stones yet standing of a druidical circle , and what I began to think more worthy of notice , some forest trees of full growth . ’
12 Such persons commonly live in a dream world , and believe themselves in all they say .
13 History has shown that the insensitivity of civil or military rulers to such pressures often results in a civil war , coups or revolutions which can bring about a sudden change in a country 's political ideology and attitudes to private enterprise .
14 No magician capable of such enchantments ever came within a mile of Morpork docks .
15 It is important to note that such courses only last for a MAXIMUM DURATION OF 12 MONTHS .
16 Although these activities only relate to a fraction of the total number of UK library authorities , it may be hoped that they foreshadow a revival of interest in an essential and much neglected component of the book provision process .
17 These books also extend beyond a biographical compass of the history , by examining the development of insecurities in society , like as in the future of civilian .
18 The point is that they are unlikely to find answers to these questions neatly encapsulated in a few words , and so they are forced to be selective in what they read .
19 If you 're into any or all of these things please write to a Chris Packham look-alike pronto , before I disappear into obscurity in the bottom of fete lost wardrobe .
20 These conditions usually result in a flag being set , or an interrupt to a recovery routine being taken .
21 These concepts also act as a " way in " to a particular subject .
22 These developments also come at a time when drives for greater efficiency are features of both public and private sectors .
23 All these developments certainly happened within a few months of each other .
24 Some of these creatures now grew to a considerable size , 60 centimetres or so .
25 These results closely agree with a study of Stone and coworkers who , using cholesintigraphy , observed a 21% reduction of gall bladder emptying in response to a maximal dose of cholecystokinin 8 in diabetic patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in comparison with patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy .
26 Not one of these men here came from a lower-lying farm ( except Donald McCulloch , and their place was only a slip of ground between the steep hill and the road ) .
27 Statistically these deaths largely occur as a result of the inhalation of vomit and alcoholic poisoning , and it therefore seems somewhat bizarre for the police to be in charge of those suffering in such a way .
28 It may not be necessary for all cars always to stop at a red light at a crossroads , but to have any other rule , such as ‘ stop when reasonable to do so ’ , or ‘ stop unless the road is clear ’ , invites chaos .
29 One important effect of this conflict appears to have been to accentuate what many economists already saw as a serious drift on the part of the OECD world into recession .
30 In reality , some business processes do not operate best as a networked ‘ blob ’ , so many organisations actually operate to a hybrid model somewhere between Figures 2.1 and 2.2 .
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