Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few months he produced an order from Littlewoods to produce the store 's quarterly catalogue , bringing in £478,000 of business .
2 Furthermore , this is one of the few studies which gives an account of the feelings after the task was completed .
3 Here are some examples which give an indication of the variety of structures which can be listed .
4 The study reported here examines small staffed homes for these individuals which provides an example of creating alternative ‘ homely ’ environments to provide long-term care for very demanding individuals .
5 Where a person continues to act as a solicitor having failed to comply with these requirements he commits an offence under s20 of the Solicitors Act .
6 The manager should be involved in all discussions which have an impact on the workload levels in patient areas .
7 The Trust will be drawing on its experience of upland erosion and repair work in the Lake District ; it will also be liaising with the many bodies which take an interest in the Mournes , including Down District Council , the Mournes Advisory Council and the education and library boards .
8 In this class are included all shorelines which have an origin combining at least two of the preceding classes .
9 I do need , er , I do know that that the conflict between government , local government , the voluntary sector and all others who have an interest , can be quite prodigious , and the ways to resource can be also , quite considerable , and the whole thing does need to be debated and sorted out .
10 We can , therefore , define mental phenomena by saying that they are those phenomena which contain an object intentionally within themselves .
11 Those readers who have an aversion to such are advised to pass quickly by the next two sections , and move to the discussion of West Ham which provides the historical context for what is to follow .
12 Since the mid-nineteenth century , the continuing reform of company law has tried to strike a balance between all of those parties which have an interest in the corporation — shareholders , creditors , directors , customers , suppliers and employees .
13 The RHA thus sought to ‘ encourage all those Districts which have an interest in a particular large hospital to come together to determine how the service can best be developed to meet local demands within the expected financial constraints ’ .
14 I saw that the wing commander engineering , who also was a pilot ( but in those days they did an engineering course as we had no Engineering Officers , at least I do not remember any ) opened his window in the office and climbed out .
15 And , of course , they seek those features which make an estate stand out from the rest .
16 There is a linear relationship between amount and length of coverage so that the more newspapers which cover an incident , the greater likelihood that coverage will continue over several days .
17 A similar picture on European Social Fund which is falling out , erm , mainly relating to schemes for people with learning disability , and we have been very successful on that front in attracting European funding for learning disability , particularly those schemes which have an element of , of training for , for employment associated with them .
18 The same subjects who showed an advantage for the right ear with pairs of digits showed a significant superiority for the left ear when the stimuli consisted of snatches of melody which had to be identified by means of a multiple-choice response method .
19 I became so worried that we went to our G.P. and after several visits he suggested an allergy to cows milk : so we tried a milk free diet ( its harder than you think once you start looking at contents labels ) .
20 The devolution of detailed financial control from local authorities to head teachers and governing bodies means that schools will in future have to manage their own budgets which include an amount for teachers ' salaries .
21 For example , if they are both jobs which require an ability to get on well with people point this out .
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