Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [verb] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the problems and doubts , sandwich courses remained a central feature of the polytechnics — even as some institutions began to press for full-time courses to replace or to accompany them .
2 Pressure of numbers impinges on every facet of the prison system , and in some institutions has resulted in overcrowded conditions that would not have been tolerated a century earlier .
3 Indeed , a few authorities have retreated from corporate structures-management teams have been disbanded and some chief executives dismissed .
4 Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges , followed by self-induced purging or vomiting .
5 In apparent agreement with this idea , some subjects appeared to benefit from continual advances of their sleep/wake rhythm ( as though they were continually flying eastward ) or by being woken temporarily at about four o'clock in the morning to receive a burst of bright light for about an hour .
6 Some certificates tend to lapse into impersonal references to ‘ the rectory ’ or ‘ the chaplain' .
7 In particular , some bills have dealt with moral questions which as ‘ issues of conscience ’ fall outside the normal boundaries of party political argument .
8 Yet the difficulties which some governments have experienced in recent years in delivering political promises that the size of the bureaucracy would be reduced suggest that there is something to the foundation upon which economic models of bureaucracy have been built .
9 However , he will have noted what some banks have said in recent days about their attitude to this matter .
10 Some Christians do meet in small groups and George is in a position to be a contact person between them .
11 To investigate our rhythms , some individuals have lived for long periods in underground caves , cut off from sunlight .
12 Some taxonomists wanted to go beyond mere classification and investigate the geographical distribution of the various species .
13 We have to accommodate the worst cases in bed and breakfast places but there are very few in East Cleveland so some families have to go to other towns like Stockton and Middlesbrough . ’
14 After 1760 bulls were brought in from England , the Netherlands and southern Scotland to improve them and some farmers began to specialise in certain colours or coat patterns .
15 Few members dared to dissent in public .
16 Indeed the climate has changed so radically and rapidly that some teachers feel over-exposed to parental demand , exploitation and expectation .
17 Some basalts do occur in continental areas notably the basaltic flood plateaux mentioned in chapter three , but to see an eruption of basaltic lava taking place , one would have to fly ( at short notice ) to an oceanic island volcano , such as Iceland .
18 Some environmentalists have concentrated on single issue campaigns , eg " no nukes " .
19 As government expenditures have grown , the objectives and results of such programmes have come under increased public scrutiny .
20 Hence cross-boundary flows , and the inability of districts to control referrals from general practitioners , were a major cause of the financial problems such districts have suffered in recent years .
21 However , such shops have closed with increasing frequency during the period that large out-of-town retail centres have been developed .
22 In the 1840s few such places had emerged from rural simplicity .
23 This would explain why such faults tend to lie in certain directions .
24 To date , such experiments have failed under dual pressure — from the Marxist-based Left , which has been unwilling to concede the fight for its class interests , and from the Right , which has continually threatened to halt the reform process .
25 Such assessments have to contend with other factors which could potentially produce misclassifications , such as inconsistency of teacher judgement .
26 Such agents have been used effectively in patients undergoing dental , orthopaedic , hepatic , vascular , and neurosurgery procedures , but most of the data on the use of such drugs have accrued from cardiac surgery .
27 Such practices include cultivating on steep slopes so the topsoil runs off when the rains come , or ploughing downhill with the same end result .
28 Like the dimensions of stone circles , the weights of these objects seemed to peak in definite weight bands , suggesting that they were made to preset weight specifications .
29 It is therefore useful to bear in mind how these views have evolved over recent years .
30 But these owls prefer to hunt in dense , forest-like plantations with some 220 palms per hectare , where they ‘ perch and wait ’ for the rats .
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