Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His tip is to lift some mint roots now and lay them in boxes of garden soil or the contents of old Gro-bags .
2 If the universe is indeed spatially infinite , or if there are infinitely many universes , there would probably be some large regions somewhere that started out in a smooth and uniform manner .
3 Then Down put some useful moves together and did look dangerous for a spell .
4 Those of us from the South who left behind tree-strewn roads and gardens after the devastation of the recent October storm , were delighted to be in such beautiful surroundings again and to meet with our Lilleshall friends from other parts of the country .
5 There are very different ways of presenting these old characters even whilst preserving their basic form .
6 Well , give him his due , Prior Robert hardly said a word tonight , he will wait to have cause before he accuses any man , but he is intelligent enough to put all these small nothings together and make of them something .
7 These are only stereotypes and each child in a family may have some characteristics of several of these behavioural patterns rather than fit one particular stereotype .
8 ‘ But the learned educationist thrust these horrible suspicions aside and said to himself that the facts derived from books are making no impart because they are not properly learned .
9 In addition , the investors will be keen to obtain warranties in respect of the business plan and future financial forecasts along the following lines : ( a ) The Business Plan has been carefully prepared in good faith having regard to the information available and the market conditions prevailing at the time of its preparation and the figures contained therein have been carefully considered and are honestly believed to be reasonable and the Managers have made all reasonable enquiries so as to ascertain all such information and conditions which are relevant to the preparation of the forecasts contained therein .
10 The cost of the welfare system has skyrocketed : spending on all federal programmes more than tripled between 1965 and 1987 , from $141 billion to $520 billion ( in 1988 dollars ) .
11 those following an implicit social optimality approach , looking at the pros and cons of a reform from the viewpoint of all affected individuals rather than reflecting sectional interests ,
12 I'l be back with more on those European ties tomorrow but remember three important matches tonight .
13 He held several distinguished posts here and took British citizenship in 1939 .
14 He held several distinguished posts here and took British citizenship in 1939 .
15 First , encouraging the women to run their own preschool facilities rather than seek an extension of statutory resources is deceitful because it promotes a form of provision which such women can not supply for themselves .
16 To assemble the flowers , secure several white petals together and stick a tiny ball of yellow coloured fondant on top .
17 These lay down European standards and the member states are required to amend their own national laws so as to bring their own standards into line with the European harmonized standard .
18 I 've visited several large gardens recently and find that in many cases the plants in the herbaceous borders are supported by plastic-coated wire frames of varying sizes .
19 Maradona , who captains the defending World Cup champions , was quoted in several Italian newspapers yesterday as saying that ‘ World Cup groups had been predetermined and the draw was made just for the fun of the television audience ’ .
20 Hilton stresses that a quickened sense of the inner meaning of the Incarnation can not be forced ; it is essentially experienced as a gift and those eager to know God should always try to work with the grain of their own particular natures rather than force any prescribed activity : " take esili wolen come " ( 53.637 ) .
21 Use any damaged roots immediately and leave the rest to dry .
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