Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] that make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it was this very indecision that made him depressed .
2 The daily , reassuring visit from the patrolling doctor was no more — as if by merely walking the rounds he or she had some magic formula that made us safe .
3 So , that is another nice treatment that makes you feel better .
4 Although its drawing and selection tools are slightly more convoluted than they need be , the program is easy to get to grips with and has some nice touches that make it more usable than most .
5 The reasons for the variations are many but there are probably some underlying trends that make it easier to pick the right bureau for the job .
6 It did n't smell like something the colonel would use , so she guessed it was Leo 's , and for some silly reason that made her feel vulnerable , as though she 'd lost her identity .
7 The Treatises supported such arguments , and it was his having , and being suspected by the government of having , such seditious views that made it necessary for Locke to flee to Holland in 1683 .
8 but it cracked , cracked me up is these fucking songs that make you take and he keeps hiding behind the oil can
9 And in terrible conditions , erm , another country is Zaire where there is currently , I mean I 'd think there was a military coup or something there in the last few weeks , but these things are colonies which were n't connected to Britain , hoping I 'm being , I think it 's a French colony , they use a Belgian colony or is an ex Belgian colony , maybe in Belgium and France you would get more news about those two countries , but here we do n't , because they , we have n't got that colonial connection that makes us interested perhaps erm and , and when we do find out about South Africa because it used to be a colony , we do find out about , I mean Ethiopia I think we found out about because of the disaster that 's happening there in several of the countries all around it , used to be British colonies .
10 Last night Mr Portillo said the phrase ‘ full compensation ’ was meaningless because people lived in different homes in different circumstances and that there were too many variable factors that made it impossible to give a specific figure at present .
11 ‘ You was worried about her , Isaac , same as all of us , ’ said Peg , and she gave Pa one of those nice smiles that made you feel warm inside .
12 She only knew that there was a part of her that welcomed this , increasingly subject to a perilous urge to surrender herself to Luke , and not merely her physical self but all those special subjectives that made her Maria McFadden .
13 It was that inner voice that made me cringe as I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress listening to the pogoing of the bedstead against the wall next door , where my co-tenants were pursuing their nightly quest for the elusive grail of Trish 's orgasm .
14 ‘ No reason , ’ she said , ‘ just the same polite curiosity that made you ask all those questions about Simone and André .
15 It was only her own hyped-up state that made her goad him .
16 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
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