Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Though they have all faced more complex choices by virtue of having mixed policies towards foreign investors and internal interest groups , there has been some perceptible consistency in approach over time , even though that is at times obscured by administrative and political compromise .
2 The powerful political thrust to get rid of this administrative mode of control over labour and material resources is often , but not exclusively , motivated by the need to relieve the economy of the burden of taxation , and to overcome the fiscal crisis of the state .
3 There are also some local variations in the measurements and because of this reliable detection of growth over a period of half a day seems unlikely .
4 Baldwin shunted him to the editorship of the official British Gazette , ‘ to stop him doing worse things ’ , but at the same time kept control over what was published by the remarkable feat of giving Davidson , a junior minister at the Admiralty , some real power of censorship over what the Chancellor of the Exchequer wrote .
5 These measures would involve society in exercising directive intelligence through some appropriate organ of action over many of the intricacies of private business , yet it would leave private initiative and enterprise unhindered ’ ( quoted Estrin and Holmes , 1983 , p. 8 ) .
6 In spite of the millions of words they contain , and some noticeable shifts of emphasis over the years , the volumes of the Church Dogmatics are marked by an immense overall coherence and harmony .
7 Spread a few tiny knobs of butter over the surface , heat in a moderate oven , gas no. 4 , 350°F. , for about 20 minutes , until the sauce is just faintly golden and bubbling .
8 In the first place , it involves some actual power of control over the thing possessed .
9 It is known as ‘ The Key of England ’ , having guarded this vulnerable coast against invasion over many centuries .
10 But , in addition , there arose the possibility of some common agreement with industry over the fact that the economy was being run to the advantage of the City as opposed to industry .
11 While there have been some minor reductions of segregation over the last century , the basic fact of extensive segregation by gender in employment remains a striking feature of the labour market .
12 It is such measurable levels of activity over a given time period however which provide a means of support and comparison .
13 Did you hear that little round of applause over the top of me ?
14 In fact , months earlier , before there was any real cause for concern over his health rate at all , I had a sudden flash forward .
15 International condemnation of the attack was fuelled by Neal 's failure to offer any unsolicited expression of regret over the civilian loss of life and by his praise of the pilot 's skill in destroying the target .
16 This code included cardinals , patriarchs , archbishops and bishops , heads of ( male ) religious orders , and any other prelate with jurisdiction over a district of his own .
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