Example sentences of "[det] [art] [noun] [vb mod] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That is the problem erm in so far as initially er we felt that it that that the onus would be on the individual , I E if it 's a short term stay car park they would not use it .
2 To do this the focus will be on the following areas :
3 The light will hit the moon and half the moon will be in darkness and half the moon will be in light yes ?
4 The light will hit the moon and half the moon will be in darkness and half the moon will be in light yes ?
5 Wilson was quick to see how provocative such a development would be to the shipowners and refused to accept the post , though he confessed to have been " foolish enough to have allowed myself to be nominated and elected as honorary general manager , which meant that I was lending my name to an organization over which I had no control " .
6 Mr. Davis felt constrained to accept that such a case might be within the purview of the legislation .
7 However , our GP persuaded him that such a course would be against the public Health Act .
8 Such a scheme would be of considerable help to private suppliers of education .
9 However , the hidden messages in such a question may be of some importance in terms of conditioning the consciousness of the — largely working class — students for whom CSE mathematics courses are intended .
10 Whilst recognising that such a survey would be of only indirect relevance to their present situation , the firm has a long history in the area ( since 1890 ) , and its management has an acute awareness that the present local employment situation is likely to deteriorate further without a mix of public/private initiatives .
11 Such a promise would be like that now set up .
12 The main exclusions of the policy still operate and such a clause may be of limited use , but its existence is worth investigating .
13 Such a clause would be along the following lines : The Managers and the Company covenant with the Investors that they will allow the Investors ' director ( and if there is none any Director or the Secretary of each of the Investors ) to examine and ( at the cost of the Company ) to authorise a firm of accountants nominated by the Investors to examine the books and accounts of the Company and/or any other company in the Group .
14 However , building such a machine will be by no means easy .
15 Such a border can be at least as ornamental as the conventional one , given the range of plants which are now considered to be herbs , and it is much more likely to be the haunt of bees and butterflies , as well as being more aromatic and fragrant .
16 Then , with the notion of what a girl with such a name must be like firm in her mind , she made this heroine of hers arrive somewhere and without delay put her into the first of a series of conflicts with , behind them , a gradually increasing aura of mystery .
17 Such a move would be in accordance with the Constitution of the Sixth Republic which guaranteed freedom of ideology , assembly and association , argued Chung , and would be no greater threat to the democratic system or market economy than was that posed to the Japanese system by the Japan Communist Party .
18 It is not as though there always was a clear conception of what such a science would be like , and as though all that was lacking was success in producing it .
19 and the response to such a command could be to hand up some dictionary definition of a bar as a drinking place .
20 The first step towards such a combination would be for universities and polytechnics to demonstrate their interest in using graded test results as either a part or the whole of entry qualifications .
21 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
22 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
23 As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .
24 ( The Double Helix , by James Watson , which tells of the race to find the molecular structure of DNA , is perhaps an example of what such a book might be like . )
25 ‘ If war breaks out , I will fight for Hitler since such a war would be against Jewry . ’
26 Such a conference would be in addition to another on economic and monetary union ( EMU ) already convened for December 1990 , as agreed at the last European Council summit in Strasbourg in December 1989 [ see pp. 37131-33 ] .
27 Usually such a statement will be in the form of a chairman 's report , but the requirement might be interpreted to include notes in support of the financial figures as well .
28 Such a body could be of importance for training .
29 Such a policy would be of especial benefit to bilingual or multilingual children .
30 Such an ability would be of more than merely theoretical interest : there are specialists , detectives one might almost say , who can take enormous quantities of program in a lower-level language ( not binary numbers , but normally machine code or something a little ‘ higher ’ ) and make plausible guesses as to what they actually do at a higher level of description ; or rather , given that they are told what the program was designed to do , work out how it accomplished the task and by what ‘ higher-level ’ steps .
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