Example sentences of "[det] [prep] it [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Naturally the more challenging the holiday the higher the price , especially if the reward for six hours in the saddle — with perhaps some of it spent in the rain — is a hot bath and the creature comforts of at least a hotel .
2 The next five years will be a battle — much of it fought in the Governor 's quarterly meeting with Lu Ping , head of Peking 's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office .
3 ‘ Everyone thinks the Amaranth Line was enormously wealthy , but so much of it went in the Sorcery Wars — dear me , I intended no discourtesy , sir .
4 But Trevelyan has brought in over a hundred thousand pounds ’ worth of Indian corn from America , all of it held in the Commissariat depots .
5 Research and writing on this subject has concentrated almost exclusively on abuse by family members and most of it occurs in the domestic setting .
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