Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Not only is there the question of the availability of data on lifetime income , but also we know little about key relationships of the model such as the bequest function and the intergenerational association of earnings .
2 This fight could be followed by another between rival claimants to the throne .
3 Selma arrived escorting two braziers , one to keep the coffee pots hot and another for hot coals for the incense pots .
4 Ideally there ought to be one standard level of stiffness and severity for galloping courses like Cheltenham , Newbury or Sandown Park and another for fast tracks like the Mildmay .
5 About a third have had some out patient attendances in the first 9 months in the community across the whole programme , and the proportion for elderly people was higher .
6 Nearly half of black teenagers in the city of Chicago fail to graduate from high school .
7 The Government have done this despite repeated warnings from the Energy Select Committee and from elsewhere that such moves should take place only after full consultation and agreement with the unions .
8 The application of a force to a simple liquid of low molar mass is relieved by the flow of molecules past one another into new positions in the system .
9 indirect transmission from infected person to another via inanimate objects in the environment
10 This would make you less likely to behave like this in similar circumstances in the future .
11 Its great attraction is that , because it was organised in conjunction with the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow and the Russian museum in St Petersburg , it contains many works never before seen in the West , some from far-flung areas of the CIS .
12 80 inch steering boxes are unique and can not be replaced by another without great modifications to the 80. 86 inch to 109 inch SI to SIII will all swap but there are two types of steering wheel splines .
13 And the rest , some on boards and some on broken pieces of the ship .
14 The two basic amino-terminal α-helices sit in the major groove so that they are perpendicular to one another on opposite sides of the DNA duplex ; they resemble nothing so much as a pair of short chopsticks .
15 And there are a number of fallacies about the media , radio and television in particular , you will be going into this at various points during the couple of days , and one fallacy is that radio and television are meant for mass audiences .
16 Forms which are not attached to the coast or only attached at one end seem to orientate themselves , some at right angles to the resultant like attached forms and some parallel to the resultant for reasons which remain uncertain .
17 It does this by communicating messages from the company to defined publics .
18 In the early days of the Canal Age , up to about 1840 , most boatmen received a rate of pay which compared very favourably with that of agricultural workers of the time ; they could often afford to keep a house as well as a boat .
19 The contrasts between the synoptic gospels ( Matthew , Mark and Luke ) and the fourth gospel , between the various letters ascribed to Paul , and between Paul 's theology and that of other leaders in the primitive church , all now came in for serious consideration .
20 Even the Palestine Liberation Organisation ( PLO ) , though working to a different agenda from that of other critics of the official line , felt that the Libyan contribution to the Lockerbie disaster had been of a low-level technical nature .
21 Could I also express my satisfaction and that of other residents with the service provided by Mr Curwen 's taxi-bus on school days .
22 Nicholas Evans is part of the Ashington Miner Artist Group , and his work , together with that of other members of the group , is on permanent display at the Woodfern Gallery , Ashington , Northumberland .
23 Nicholas Evans is part of the Ashington Miner Artist Group , and his work , together with that of other members of the group , is on permanent display at the Woodfern Gallery , Ashington , Northumberland .
24 Their fate and that of other groups in the central Himalayas will directly affect the ecology of not only Nepal buy also India , Pakistan and Bangladesh .
25 Although the behaviour of nutters is clearly different from that of other fans in the Rowdies group , there is still a sense of order in what they do .
26 This is particularly fortunate , because teeth have a high fossilization potential , exceeding that of other parts of the skeleton .
27 The teaching of history , along with that of other subjects in the school curriculum , has undergone critical examination in recent years .
28 The document offers a structure of good teaching practice in keeping with that of other subjects in the national development programme .
29 The experimental values for the E of polyethylene do , in fact , fit very well with both the known stiffness of the van der Waal forces and also with that of molecular crystals of the phthalocyanine types .
30 His presence and his influence in Rome undermined that of successive rectors of the English College .
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